➢𝟎𝟗【a sudden visit】

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𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟎𝟗 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓

❝You need to be careful.❞ Yuanjun reminded her friend as she helps him walk inside his house.

❝Yah, you two, help my Renjun go upstairs ❞ The girl ordered the two korean males that were following them from behind.

❝I need to talk to his mother.❞ The girl added before leaving Renjun with the two boys and searched for the chinese male's mother.

❝Are you two just gonna stand there and watch me go up this stairs or help me?❞ Renjun snapped the two boys out from their thoughts.

Jeno was the first one to come back to his senses and stood beside Renjun before wrapping his arms around the small male's slim waist.

A small tint of pink appeared on the chinese male's cheeks as he felt the raven haired boy wraps an arm around his waist.

Jaemin on the other hand had one of his brows raised by the sight. He then watched the two go up the stairs, leaving him behind. The boy sighs deeply, ❝Why do they always leave me behind?❞ He asked himself out loud before following the two to their room.

❝Umm.. Jeno, c-can you please.. uhh... get me my bag?❞ Renjun asked after the younger helped him get on his bed. Jeno didn't spoke but did what the older asked him and gave the older his bag. Renjun never felt so small in front of people (istg if y'all make a joke about this i—). He doesn't want anyone to like serve or something like those to him. He wants to do things in his own. He doesn't like relying on people.

He pitied himself, how clumsy can he get?

Renjun quickly shook the thought off and rummage in his bag. He grabbed a pen and a paper and started writing something.

❝What are you doing?❞ Jeno asked as he sat down beside Renjun as he was trying to get a good look on whatever the older is writing on the paper.

❝Writing, obviously.❞ The older sass and turned his back to Jeno to hide whatever he was writing on the paper.

❝About what?❞


The younger felt confused. ❝Homework?❞ He tilts his head a little out of confusion. ❝But it was only the first day of class yesterday.❞

❝Whatever.❞ The older muttered under his breath.


❝Just leave me alone please.❞ The chinese male glared at him before hiding under his blanket.

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