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𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟎𝟖, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓

𝟓:𝟒𝟓 𝐚𝐦

Huang Renjun was sleeping peacefully when his alarm started going off causing him to forcefully wake himself up. He groaned and threw the alarm clock across from the room and made a loud sound and caused Jaemin to shot open his eyes.

Who's there?! He shouted and held Jeno in his arms tightly.

The chinese male rolled his eyes, Me. He answered as he gets off from his bed and entered the bathroom.

But before he could even lock it, he opened the door and looked at Jaemin. What are you waiting? Get ready. School starts at eight. And he locked the door.

Baby, wake up. Jaemin whispered.

Jeno fluttered his eyes open and saw an angel in front of him. Morning baby. He smiled before closing his eyes again.

Jaemin sighs. We have school.

Already? Didn't we just got here yesterday? Jeno whined, eyes still closed tightly.

I'll count up to three and if you still don't wake up... I... I'm punishing you. A smirk formed on the younger's lips when he thought of a punishment that Jeno won't be able to handle.



Three. Jaemin said in a seductive manner.

Jaemin then started tickling his boyfriend but was quickly stopped when they heard a groan from the bathroom.

Jeno quickly got out from their bed and went in front of the bathroom's door and knocked aggressively. Renjun? Renjun! What happened?!

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