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❝What is it?❞ Renjun asked, still getting drag by Chenle.

❝Like I said, I need your help.❞

Renjun furrows his brows, Help with what?

There's this one kid at my class, he's also an exchange student from korea just like Jeno and Jaemin. Chenle started as he stopped dragging Renjun and stopped in front of a locker.

And our adviser assigned me to tour him around our school since Mr.Wu knows that I speak korean.

Renjun raised a brow, I don't seem to find a need with that..? You just gotta tour him around our school and done.

Chenle shook his head, You don't understand! I really need your help! I don't know how to start a conversation with him and I'm still not that very much familiar with this school and my korean is broken!

Renjun smirked. Okay but I'll be needing something in return.

Thank you so much gē!

I'm sorry I'm late! Renjun burst open the door to his homeroom.

You're ten minutes late. Detention after dismissal. Mr.Fan said and continued with his lesson.

Renjun quickly sat on his seat at the back of the room beside Yuanjun's. Have you seen Jeno and Jaemin?

Yeah, they were also late. Yuanjun answered and secretly points her pen towards the two boys in front of them.

Renjun raises a brow, not understanding why his best friend is pointing at the two boys that's in front of them.

❝Idiot, that's Jeno and Jaemin. Yuanjun smacked his head.

That hurts. Renjun glared at Yuanjun.

What hurted?! Jeno quickly turned around to face Renjun and Yuanjun.

Nothing, Yuanjun just smacked my head too harsh. Renjun pouts.

Jeno was about to touch the area where Yuanjun had smacked Renjun when he saw a hand beat him with it.

He turned to Renjun's left and saw Dejun sitting beside Renjun, caressing his head as he sends Yuanjun a playful glare.

Tch. Jeno clicked his tongue and turned around to face their teacher and listens to the lesson.

WALANG FOREVER! MAGBEBREAK DIN KAYO! One of their filipino exchange student classmate shout at Renjun and Dejun who's now acting all lovely dovely.

Ms.Perez, don't shout.❞ Their teacher scolded her.

❝Does it still hurts?❞ Dejun cupped Renjun's cheeks.

Renjun nodded and pointed at his forehead. It hurts here.

Dejun leaned forward and gave Renjun's forehead a peck. Renjun giggles.

Tsk, stop being all lovely dovely, it's gross. Yuanjun rolled her eyes playfully and held a book in between the couple.

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