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❝He's your what?❞ Renjun asked.

❝Meet Park Jisung, my boyfriend.❞

❝Le, please shut up.❞ Jisung glared at his boyfriend as he tightens his hold on the older's shirt from behind.

❝That instant? Didn't you two just met like earlier?❞ Jaemin asked as one of his brows was raised like a mother when she founds out that her child is in a //secret// relationship.

❝We had known each other since 2013.❞ Chenle sighs dreamingly as he remembers the time they first met.

It was this one chinese program back in 2013. Chenle sang 'You raise me up' in front of thousands of people with two other boys while Jisung danced to Gangnam Style.

Both of them were sitting beside each other. He clearly remembers the time Jisung thought him how to say hello in korean when he tried to talk to the younger as it was his first time seeing a korean boy that that is not far away from his age. He had met several korean people but they were always older than him and are always the same age as his parents//brother.

After the program, Chenle had decided to learn the korean language and it was all because of Jisung.

He forgot to ask Jisung his name but he surely knows that he had introduced himself to the younger.

One day passed after he met Jisung and he already wants to meet him again.

Both of them promised to meet again in the future before going home, Jisung to korea and Chenle to his grandfather's house.

And the author would stop here now as Chenle and Jisung's love story is getting a bittttt longer than expected. This is a norenmin book not a chensung :')

❝Chenle, auntie will murder you! You're only fourteen for goodness sake!❞ Renjun sighs as he felt disappointed. He's too young to get into a relationship and he remembers the time when Chenle got scolded for kissing his crush's cheeks before going home when his mother was waiting for him outside the gate.

Since then, Chenle's mother prohibited the young chinese male to talk to any other guys except for his relatives and friends (that are straight).

And no, Chenle's mother ain't homophobic. In fact, she supports her son and ships him with the boy who danced Gangnam Style at that one chinese program back in 2013.

❝Geez, what about you then? You're only fifteen.❞ Chenle states as he rolled his eyes.

Sighs, wrong move and words Zhong Chenle.

❝You little piece of shi──❞ The older was so ready to attack him but the door opening stopped him from it and Chenle thanked the gods for it.

❝You're a lifesaver grandpa!❞ Chenle hugged their grandfather who just entered the room.

❝What's with all the commotion about? I can hear Renjun's shouting from outside and it's a very unpleasant noise.❞

❝Mind explaining, Huang Renjun?❞ Their grandfather raised a brow at Renjun as he walks near his hospital bed.

❝Well, you see grandpa, your favourite grandchild here, Zhong Chenle, has a dirty secret.❞ The older smirked as he saw panic and nervousness written on the younger's face.

❝Renjun, shut it.❞ Yuanjun glared at the small male sitting on the bed and turned to face their grandfather.

❝Grandfather, I'm saying sorry on behalf of Renjun for how he is acting right now.❞ Yuanjun took a low bow at the elder and sent Renjun a very deadly glare.

❝I-I need to go.❞ Chenle says as he bowed at his grandfather and dragged Jisung out of the room with him.

The two of them walked in an awkward silence until the small male decided to break it as it was annoying him to the point that he felt like peeling off his scalp. ❝Jisung,❞ He spoke.

The tall male's attention quickly went to the small male beside him. Both of them stopped from their tracks as Chenle faced Jisung and tried to look straight into his eyes. ❝I'm sorry.❞ He whispered as he lowers his head and stared at the ground.

Chenle then heard a slight chuckle from Jisung and it made him look up and raise a brow at his boyfriend. ❝What's funny?❞

❝Nothing.❞ The younger shook his head and cupped Chenle's cheeks. ❝It's just that you look so cute.❞ The tall male leaned down and placed a soft peck on the smaller male's forehead before wrapping an arm around him

❝You didn't need to say sorry. It's not your fault, okay? So don't ever blame yourself. Promise me that, my Chenle.❞ Jisung pulled the older closer to him and happily walked out of the hospital with both of them sticking to each other like they just got glued together.

These two are surely inseparable.

❝So you two are my third daughter's new family huh?❞ Renjun's grandfather chuckles as he talks with Jeno and Jaemin by the couch, the grandfather sitting on the single couch while the two korean males sits on the large one.

The two korean males looked at Yuanjun, well, it looks like she's going to be the interpreter for them today as Dejun already left and Renjun is sulking after getting a nice thirty minutes of Yuanjun scolding him in korean while his grandfather tries his best to talk to Jeno and Jaemin with the korean words Renjun, Chenle and Yuanjun had taught him. But in the end, he needed help and asked Yuanjun to help him talk with the two korean males as he want to get to know them better.

❝Grandpa, Jeno and Jaemin are not auntie's new son slash family. Auntie and uncle volunteered to become Jeno and Jaemin's host family for this school year.❞ Yuanjun explained and faced the two korean male whom she caught staring at the sulking Renjun.

She then faked a cough to get the two's attention which caught them off guard. ❝What?❞ Both asked in the same time.

❝Well, grandpa wants to get to know both of you better as you two will be living in his daughter's house for almost a year until both of you go back to korea.❞ Yuanjun explained.

❝It'd be my honor!❞ Jaemin states and cheerfully faced Renjun's grandfather.

❝Hi Renjun's grandfather!❞ Jaemin bowed.

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well... sorry? in advance,, ig...?

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