『special chapter』

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❝Weiwei! Wake up! It's our sixteenth birthday today! Aren't you excited?!❞ Huanyi cheers as he continued to jump and down on his brother's bed.

The older groans and covered his head with his blankets. ❝Go away Huanna.❞ Jingwei muttered and kicked his brother off from his bed.

The younger scoffs and quickly stood up from the floor as he dusted off the invisible dust on his pajamas. ❝As you wish, Welsa.❞ Huanyi bows like a princess and quickly left his brother's room.

Now it's time for Huanyi to bother Xuanyi. ❝Hey sis! Wakey wakey! Jichen-gē is downstairs! I wouldn't want him to wait if I were you!❞

With Huanyi mentioning that one specific name, Xuanyi quickly removed her blankets and jumped off from her bed as she dashed her way out of her room.

Huanyi laughs like a maniac at how his sister just fell for it again. He had been doing that to wake his sister up and it never fails to make him laugh. Just mention Jichen's name and Xuanyi will be awake before you know it.

❝You're such a fool! Wait till papa finds out that you like our cousin!❞ Huanyi shouted as he ran after his sister downstairs.

❝Huan! No! Please don't!❞ The girl pleads as her brother stood in front of her with a huge grin plastered on his face.

Huanyi slowly nods. ❝Geez, you're no fun! I've been doing this for years, yet you always do the same! I had enough! Happy birthday to you my dear sister, adios!❞ And the boy left to probably go to the kitchen and help his dada prepare their breakfast.

Xuanyi unconsciously pouts after her brother left. ❝I'm lovesick and I'm disgusting. I'm in love with my cousin. I need to get my brain fixed!❞ The girl hits her head as she walks inside the living room where she was met with her daddy and papa making out.

❝Ah~ what a nice sight to start my day.❞ Xuanyi sarcastically says and went to sit beside the two adults that's making out.

She ignored them and grabbed the tv's removed and switched on the tv and it made Renjun and Jeno come to a stop to what they were doing. ❝X-xuan! W-what are you doing here?❞ Renjun laughs awkwardly as he straighten his shirt while getting off from Jeno's lap and sitting on the couch properly.

❝Am I not allowed here?❞ Xuanyi asked, eyes glued to the tv.

❝Uh... well—❞ Renjun stopped talking when his daughter suddenly stood up from her seat and turned off the tv.

❝Hey wait!❞ Renjun stopped his daughter from walking out the room.

He made Xuanyi sit down where she had sat before and made her face him. ❝Let's have a talk. A father and daughter talk.❞

❝I'll go and help Jaemin with breakfast then.❞ Jeno excused himself and left to help his other lover in the kitchen.

Renjun gave Jeno a quick peck on the lips before the younger left.

Now it's only Renjun and his daughter inside the living room. ❝Jingwei told me something.❞ Renjun said with a sly smirk forming on his lips.

Xuanyi let out a nervous chuckle and started avoiding her papa's eyes. ❝What did that boy told you?❞

❝The person you had been thinking about ever since you were a child.❞

Xuanyi had her mouth hang low. She's totally shock, her oldest brother just told their papa her darkest secret. ❝Oh my god. Okay, papa, listen. I'm sorry. I know liking my cousin is bad but I just can't help it! I had been crushing on Jichen ever since I met him! I'm so so so sorry papa!❞ The girl cried.

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