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❝Oh my god.❞ The man trembles and his gun fell from his hold and tried to approach the boy who's lying on the ground, dead.

❝My grandfather is right! You're a drug lord and a monster!❞ Renjun shouted at the man who's still approaching Dejun's dead body.

While hiding behind the boxes, Yuanjun had accidentally knocked over a box and drugs fell from it. And this man just killed his own son.

❝Don't you dare touch him you monster!❞ Yuanjun shouts as she held a gun behind his head. It was the gun that fell from his hold a while ago.

Renjun! Jeno and Jaemin shouted as they finally found their little Renjun. Their eyes then went to the men who's pointing guns at them.

❝Let them enter.❞ Dejun's father commanded.

Call an ambulance! Renjun shouted at the two who just entered the room.

Both Jeno and Jaemin's eyes widen as they saw Renjun holding Dejun tightly in his arms as both of them were covered in blood. Jaemin's eyes then traveled to Yuanjun who still has the gun pointed at Dejun's father.

❝Please don't take away my son!❞ Dejun's father pleaded. Yuanjun shook her head and held the man by his hair firmly.

❝You already took away your son you asshole, now it's my time to take revenge for my friend.❞ The girl whispered devilishly into the man's ear as she was ready to pull off the trigger of the gun.

Yuanjun! Don't you dare kill that man! We're sending him to prison! He needs to suffer for all his wrong doings and just let prison take his life. Renjun shouted at the girl.


❝Renjun, me and your father are going back to korea for a business meeting for a week, be good while we're gone honey!❞ Renjun's mother's voice echoed around the living room before leaving the house with her husband.

Two weeks had passed after Dejun's death and Renjun still hasn't moved on from it. It isn't easy to lose someone you love. Dejun and Renjun had been through so many things and spent their entire childhood together with Renjun's parents scolding him whenever they see them together but when there's a Yuanjun in scene, she'll get the scolding for Renjun.

❝Atleast try and go outside some other time to breath nature's air.❞ Yuanjun says with her eyes focused on the flat screen tv as they were watching The Greatest Showman.

❝I'll prefer getting wasted than breathing fresh air.❞ Renjun emotionlessly said as he stares blankly at the tv screen.

I don't know what the two of you are talking about but can we watch Inside Out after this? Jaemin asks as the movie they're watching is about to end. Yuanjun just nodded and turned to look at Renjun.

❝What do you mean wasted?❞

Renjun then pulled out his phone and started texting someone. ❝Oh no, I'm not letting you hold a party in your house. Remember the last time you did that? Auntie almost kicked you out of the house.❞ Yuanjun tried to snatch the younger's phone away from him but failed as Renjun quickly left the living room and entered the nearest bathroom.

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