➢𝟑𝟑【the truth】

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❝So… what do I have to explain to you..?❞ Yuanjun pretended not to know why she is in her friend's room. She avoided his eyes as much as she can.

Renjun crossed his arms and pointed the space in front of him on the bed. ❝You awkward bean, sit in front of me.❞ The boy said with a slight chuckle.

The girl then sat down and hang her head low. ❝I'm sorry.❞

❝Don't be. Just explain to me why you lied.❞

Yuanjun took a deep sigh before explaining everything. ❝All right. But before I start...❞ The girl finally looked at the boy's eyes. ❝I'm sorry I lied to you.❞ She mumbled before starting to explain. ❝I-I was… everything happened so fast, I can only remember a little… I think?❞

❝So… uh… do you remember that time when Eunbyeol went to your room the next day after the party and told you that she was looking for a ring and the shirt?❞ The boy just nodded. ❝Those things… the ring and the shirt, I own them. I asked Eunbyeol to get it for me since I was feeling a bit ill and probably guilty.

I-I… I forced you to do it with me. I was drunk and──❞ Renjun cut her words as she broke down in front of him. He went closer to his friend and pulled her in a comforting hug.

❝It's okay. Don't cry.❞ The boy tried to calm his friend down with him rubbing circles on her back but was yanked away by the girl seconds after.

Yuanjun slowly backed away. ❝No Renjun. It is not okay! I was drunk and my mind wasn't working! I fucking raped you! I… I-I raped my best friend. I'm a monster!❞

❝No you're not. You're a hero Yuan.❞ Renjun says while trying to approach the crying girl in front of him who keeps on backing away from him every time he gets near her.

Yuanjun shook her head and wiped away her tears. ❝I am not!❞

Renjun sighs, this wont work. ❝Just… just explain everything.❞

❝I loved you back then. That love wasn't platonic like what we have now. That love was… it was── you had my heart back then Renjun. And that time when you held the party, that was the time I was planning on confessing to you after I got drunk but I saw you going to your room and decided to follow you.❞

The two of them stayed quiet. Well, Renjun has been quiet for awhile now but now, Yuanjun had became quiet.

The boy then raised a brow. ❝What happened after that?❞ He asked and seconds later, another question had been asked by him. ❝And what do you mean you loved me back then? Weren't you and Eunbyeol a thing? And you told me you're gay, what are saying? This doesn't make sense. Ugh, my head is hurting. I hate thinking.❞

❝Well… I lied. I── all I do is lie!❞ The girl hits her head as tears started running down on her cheeks.

Renjun felt bad for the girl. She must've suffered a lot. ❝Hey, hey, everyone lies. There's a more worst person than you that always lie, you get what I mean?❞ The girl just nodded and wipes away her tears.

❝I'll start explaining everything once and for all.❞ Yuanjun said and took another deep breath.

❝Remember that time when you and Blue got kidnapped? Well, everyone was worried and panicking. That time, I was being a jerk and told the kidnappers where you two lived. I was jealous. It was my fault. I was jealous over your friendship, that's what my mind told me but my heart says the opposite. I know that we were too young back then but I think I had fallen in love with you.

And that time when you told me that you're gay, I felt like my world shattered into a centillion pieces── okay, I'm a bit exaggerating but that's the truth. Anyways, after that, when I found out that you and Dejun were a thing, I… I was the reason why your mother forbidden you to be with him. I knew everything about Dejun, even his darkest secrets and I… I told them to auntie but it seems like it was no use as you two became a stronger and unbreakable couple. Well, not until Jeno and Jaemin came into frame.

I knew who Jeno was ever since he accidentally talked to me in chinese. And when I told you that I liked Eunbyeol, that… that was a lie. I didn't really liked her. I just see her as a friend and nothing more but you kept on insisting me to get myself a girlfriend and so I did, because I loved you. Anyways, fast forward to the day after the party, I started distancing myself to you because of what I did to you. And a month later, I found out I was pregnant. I was happy, really. But that happiness didn't last long after my parents found out about my pregnancy.

They kicked me out. They hated me. They disowned me. And that time, I only had Eunbyeol with me. She helped me with my pregnancy. At first, when my parents kicked me out, I wanted to die. I attempted suicide but luckily, Eunbyeol was just on time before I jumped off of the school's rooftop. She told me that suicide is not the answer to my problems. She told me that once the triplets were born, all of my problems will be fixed. And ever since then, I started learning that I was slowly falling in love with her as she helped me through my whole pregnancy.

When Eunbyeol went back to korea, she brought me with her. Her parents' wasn't pleased by me. The triplets were already born and Eunbyeol introduced me as her girlfriend. At first, her parents wanted me gone but Eunbyeol fought for our love and in the end, her parents can't do anything and just accepted me and the triplets.

After that, I planned on just giving the triplets to you and start a new life with Eunbyeol, here in korea. But you caught me leaving the triplets by your doorstep. You asked me whose kids were they and I panicked and just said the first name that popped up in my mind which was Eunbyeol's. And the rest are history.❞ The girl finished while smiling weakly as tears keeps on running down from her cheeks nonstop.

Renjun smiled and wiped the girl's tears away with his thumb. ❝Stop crying, I don't hate you. You're my only friend who helped me so much through my ups and downs. I love you so much. Aren't we siblings even if we aren't blood related?❞

Yuanjun chuckles at her friend's statement and slowly removed the boy's hand from her cheeks. ❝Yeah. I love you too, my little brother.❞ The girl said and was then engulfed in a tight hug by Renjun.

❝But still, I'm so so so sorry for everything.❞

❝Stop saying sorry jiějie. I understand you.❞

❝You're the one Renjun is going to marry?!❞

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that ^^^ tbc sign will be soon changed to the end

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