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Renjun sat on his bed as he took the picture frame that was placed by his bedside table and stared at it. ❝I promise that I'll do everything to stop the wedding.❞ The boy mumbles as he caress the picture.

❝Renjun? Can I come in?❞ Jaemin knocks at the door which made Renjun quickly wipe away his tears with his sleeves and went to open the door for Jaemin.

❝Of course you can.❞ The older chuckles and pulled Jaemin inside the room.

The two boys then sat down on Renjun's bed. Jaemin stared at the chinese boy that's in front of him who seems like he's about to breakdown any seconds from now. ❝Injun?❞ The younger held Renjun's shoulder which made the older tense up.

❝I know you're hiding something from me── actually, screw that. You and Jeno are hiding something from me and I don't like it one bit.❞

Renjun then chuckles nervously as he starts to back away from Jaemin who is slowly leaning forward with that intimidating look plastered on his face. ❝W-what do you m-mean?❞

❝What are you doing?❞ Jeno asked after getting out from the bathroom with him drying his hair with his towel.

The boy's voice made Jaemin stop from what he was doing and quickly laid on the left side of the bed.

Renjun raised a brow at how Jaemin quickly stopped leaning forward to him and laid down beside him. He looked up at Jeno in complete confusion. ❝Are you going out again tomorrow?❞ The older asked with a cute small yet visible pout on his lips.

The younger stopped what he was doing and slowly faced Renjun with a forced small. ❝Uh... y-yeah. My mom wanted me to... uh.. mom wanted me to join her in attending a meeting. Yeah.❞ Jeno chuckles awkwardly and quickly turned his back from Renjun and took out one of his spare shirts' from the older's closet.

❝Ah... looks like I'll be staying with Jaemin yet again tomorrow...❞ Renjun mumbles quietly with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

Jaemin then suddenly sat up straight and looked at the oldest in disbelief. ❝Are you telling me that I'm boring to be with?!❞ The boy suddenly shouted which startled the two older.

❝No, no. It's not like that nana. I love being with you, trust me. It's just that... I miss us.❞ Renjun made so many hands movements as he didn't want to have any misunderstanding with Jaemin.

❝Let's just enjoy this night, shall we?❞ Jeno interrupts his now two lovers bickering as he sits down in front of them with a grin.

Jaemin was the first to stop the bickering and looked at Jeno dirtyly. ❝Alright. I'm down for it!❞

Renjun gasps and looked back and forth at his lovers in pure disbelief. ❝Oh no. I'm not down for that! You two can do it. I'll just sleep in the guest room.❞ The chinese male quickly made his way out from the bed but two hands held both of his wrist to stop him from it.

❝You two are still the same! I just want to cuddle with you two and watch some disney movies!❞ Jeno whines like a child which made the two coo at how cute he looks whenever he whines.

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