『special chapter 2』

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❝jaemin, stop glaring at chenle and yuanjun and get dressed already or you'll be late for work.❞ jeno said, chuckling as he dragged his husband outside of the living room where renjun and his friends were currently hanging out and upstairs.

❝how could i not when they've been all cuddly with each other!❞ jaemin whined, removing the older's grip on his wrist and stomping his way up the stairs and to their bedroom.

jaemin shut the door loudly, climbing on the bed as he hid under the duvet. ❝jen and i are the only ones valid to cuddle with our rennie.❞ the younger mumbled, removing the duvet after hearing the door open and closed. the boy then crossed his arms and pouted when jeno also climbed on the bed and hugged the younger from his back.

❝oh come on nana, they've known each other since they were born. stop being possessive, they're just cuddling and that's it.❞

❝while us... you know...❞ jeno whispered, yawning as he pulled away from jaemin to lay down on the bed and go to sleep again since he didn't got a proper sleep earlier because he just got home in the middle of the night after a very hectic day at work yesterday.

jaemin then turned around and laid beside his tired husband. the younger rested his hand on his husband's cheeks as he started caressing it. god i love you much. he suddenly said, leaning forward and attaching their lips together.

soon, they pulled away to breathe some air for them not to die and just stayed there, staring at each other's eyes without uttering a single word until jeno fell asleep. i'll take over today, sleep well love. jaemin said, smiling as he pecked the older's forehead before getting ready for work.


❝jichen get your heavy ass off of me!❞ xuanyi cried, pushing the latter off of her but the boy didn't even budged. ❝i-i can't breathe!❞ she coughed, punching the male above her.

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