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❝You and Dejun again huh?❞

Renjun bit his lower lip out of nervousness. How? How did his grandfather knew about him and Dejun being together again? ❝No. We're just f-friends.❞ He tried to make a reason but he knew it only got worse as he stuttered at the end of his words.

❝Just friends? Then what about this?❞ His grandfather raised up a photo with two boys holding hands while happily walking around a park.

❝Who are they?❞ Renjun asked. It would not hurt if he acts right?

❝You and that asshole.❞ His grandfather answered and ripped the paper into small pieces which made Renjun widen his eyes.

And it also made Renjun angry. ❝Why do you all hate Dejun so much?!❞ The small male snapped. He stood up from his seat and walked near his grandfather before looking at him straight in the eyes.

❝Can't you all just support us? Don't you all said you want to see me smile genuinely again? After Blue stopped sending me letters, it hurt me so much but Dejun came into my life and helped me forget about Blue!❞ The boy shouted right in front of his grandfather.

❝All of you don't actually care about my mental and emotional health! You all just want me to live so you can pass to me the responsibility of becoming the CEO of your fucked up company!❞

He sighs deeply as tears started to fall down his face. His grandfather just slapped him.

❝That guy is such a bad influence to you, see? How could you talk back to your elders?! And we all care about you, believe me. Dejun is a son of a narco-trafficker. His grandfather tried to hold his hand but failed as the chinese male quickly took three steps back.

❝Stop telling me lies! I know his father! His father is not a drug lord for goodness sake! They own a small company that is growing fast. You and mother's lies are the worst.❞ And with that, he walked away and went back inside of his room.

Renjun's grandfather then looked at Yuanjun and flashed her a small smile. ❝We just want the best for him.❞ He mumbles to himself, yet Yuanjun was still able to hear it, before leaving the house.

❝Why is this family so messed up?❞ Yuanjun asked herself out loud before following Renjun to his room and comforting him.

❝I hate them so much jiě.❞ Renjun sobs in Yuanjun's arms. The girl tried all the ways to make him calm down but it seems like that everything she do is not enough. She just hugged the younger tightly as she don't want to lose him.

Renjun is only fifteen but he had experienced so much. His life is like a drama that's full of bad events. Everything started after Blue stopped sending him letters. That boy was Renjun's first love.

❝For goodness sake Huang Renjun, stop thinking about Blue and stop blaming yourself.❞ Yuanjun snapped. She pulled away from the hug harshly as she didn't care about the younger's feelings right now.

❝I-I'm not.❞ Renjun sobs.

❝I can read you. We had been friends before you were even born. Now listen to me, as your, not by blood-related, older sister but still is your older sister, I want you to forget about Blue and just focus on your relationship with Dejun...Yuanjun sighs before continuing her sentence. Auntie and grandpa might hate me for this but I don't care, as long as you're happy with Dejun, I'll risk everything. Now stop crying you stupid bitch and get your man.❞ Yuanjun wipes away his tears and hugged the younger one last time before he went to his closet to change clothes and meet his boyfriend.

❝Why do you care so much about Renjun?❞ A raven haired boy, that is sitting on his bed, asked which startled Yuanjun as he just appeared out of nowhere.

❝Because he's my little brother. We might not be blood-related but our bond is unbreakable.❞ Yuanjun weakly smiled as she watch Renjun go out of his room all dress up.

Jeno rolled his eyes after seeing the girl have small but visible heart eyes at the chinese male who just walked out from the room. ❝Your eyes says the opposite.❞ The boy states and sips his coffee.

After Renjun was out from their sight, Yuanjun turned to face Jeno. ❝I don't like Renjun. I just see him as my baby brother.❞ The girl states.

❝You mean younger brother? Yuanjun, Renjun is now a teenager, he's nowhere near a baby.❞ Jeno said and it hit Yuanjun right in the face.

Renjun is now a teenager, not a baby. Yuanjun quickly sat up and faced Jeno who's drinking his coffee peacefully as he stares at her. He smiled.

Did you just fluently conversed with me in chinese? The girl raised a brow at him suspiciously.

N-no. Jeno stutters and quickly placed down his cup of coffee on his bedside table.

Yes you did.

I did not. I don't even know how to introduce myself in chinese.

❝You're fluent in chinese, why are you denying it? Aren't you proud? It's hard to become fluent in speaking chinese yet you're here, completely denying it while those who actually aren't fluent with the language but knows some basic words slash sentence keeps on bragging that they're fluent.❞

I am not. Those people are just all after clout since it's actually hard to be completely be fluent in chinese. Also, you're just probably hallucinating, I don't know chinese..

❝Hah! Bitch you just got caught!❞ Yuanjun shouts as she did a victory dance on Renjun's bed.

Jeno just smiled in defeat. Okay fine, you caught me. But please don't tell anyone about it, please? The boy pleads and showed the girl the best puppy eyes he can pull off.

❝But why?❞

Because I always feel guilty.

❝Why so?❞

I learned chinese because of this specific someone since he's really bad at korean as it wasn't his first language. We were actually each other's first love, just wanted to add bleh. But then one day, my family moved out from Incheon to Seoul and── Jeno's words was cut when Jaemin started calling him and telling him to go downstairs.

The raven haired boy then bowed at Yuanjun as a sign of apology as it seems like he wont be able to tell the full story because of Jaemin calling him to go downstairs. It's a long story, I'll just tell you the rest next time. Jeno said before going downstairs.

❝His story lowkey reminds me on why Renjun learned korean.❞ Yuanjun chuckled to herself as she remembered Renjun being so focused whenever he learns korean since both of them attended a korean school when they were in elementary and that's where Renjun met Blue, because of a 'project'.

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y'all know who blue is? or should i say──

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