➢𝟑𝟒【the squad】

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❝You're the one Renjun is going to marry?!❞ Jeno's sister accidentally shouted which made her brother panic.

❝Keep it down you idiot!❞ Jeno whispered-yelled and pulled his sister inside the kitchen where there's no one, as what their mind thought.

❝How can I keep it down when I just found out that Renjun-gēge and our parents arranged your marriage?! What about Jaemin? What will happen to him after you and Renjun gets married?❞

❝Listen, first of all, I── why are we speaking chinese when we're korean?

The girl shrugged but then started panicking. My poor nana! He's going to be heartbroken after he finds out that you and Injunnie will get married and didn't included him! She dropped on her knees dramatically while having her right arm rest on her forehead.

Gosh, you're so dramatic. And for your information, Jaemin is nine months older than you. Jeno reminded and sat down beside his sister.

Can't we just ask mom and dad to cancel the wedding? After that, let's tell them about you three. I'm sure they'll accept you three, just like us three. The girl states as she remembers the time she introduced her girlfriends to her parents where they welcomed them in the family wholeheartedly

Jeno sighs and forced out a small smile. Your relationship is different from mine. Mom and Dad accepted your girlfriends because they love you. You're lucky dad had accepted you in the family despite of his hatred to your father. And they also love you cause your a bit special, that's what mom will always tell me. While me... I'm just a money maker in their eyes. Sure, I'm their son but I don't feel like I'm from them. It's like I'm being locked up in a castle tower to make money for them just to keep them in the top five biggest company in the world. Just like Rapunzel, she was locked up in a castle tower by mother Gothel to use her magic hair to keep her young forever.

Sounds legit but think about it. You said you're just like Rapunzel right? Don't you remember the ending of it? If you're just like Rapunzel, you'll surely get a plan to stop the wedding. You're the almighty Lee Jeno afterall. The girl chuckles in the end. She still can't believe that after all those years, Jeno had changed so much.

I have a plan in mind but... Jeno started as he sniffles.

His sister looked at him and saw tears threatening to come out from the boy's eyes that would from a moon crescent whenever he smiles and she badly wants to see those again. What... what plan is it?

Not gonna say. You might stop me from it. I know you. But I'll give you a clue so you wont bother me after. The boy smiles cheekily. Now that's the smile the girl had been wanting to see.

It might not end with a happy ending.

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