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❝I'm sorry.❞

Donghyuck raised a brow at the boy who was hugging him and quickly pushed him away. Did you just cursed at me in chinese?!

Uncle hyuckie, this uncle smiley said sorry in chinese! Jichen, the fluent multilingual in chinese and korean, steps in the two adults' conversation.

❝Hurry up!❞

❝Jeno! Where are you?!❞

❝I'm by the living room!❞ Jeno answered and faced Donghyuck again before bowing politely and going back to play with the kids in the carpet.

❝I look ugly! Let me get change and completely remove all of this blue paint!❞ Renjun whines uncontrollably and successfully got out from the younger's grip on his waist before running upstairs and to his room to change.

Jaemin shook his head and sighs heavily but smiled after and entered the living room. And there, he was met with Donghyuck choking the life out of Jeno.

H-hey! Hey! Donghyuck! What are you doing?! The youngest of the three adults inside the room pulled Donghyuck away from the poor breathless boy.

Why are you choking him?! Jaemin wipes away his sweats and sat down between the two boys.

That boyfriend of yours just insulted my son!

No I didn't! Jeno defended himself.I just said that he looks like Mark hyung!

Donghyuck then stood up from the couch and was about to attack Jeno once again. Exactly! My Yijunnie is nowhere near like Mark fucking Lee!

What's with all of the noises down there?! Renjun shouted as he goes down the stairs.

He hesitantly walks towards the living room and when he arrived by the door, he quickly hid beside it and peeked inside the room.

And there, he saw his friend attacking Jeno. He widen his eyes and quickly got out from his hiding spot to stop Donghyuck from killing his Jeno.

Yah! You idiot, what are you doing to my Jeno?!The oldest of them all pulled Donghyuck away from Jeno and made the younger face him by holding his shoulders tightly.

He just cursed in chinese to me once again! Donghyuck pouts with him looking at the older with those innocent eyes but then sent dagger eyes to Jeno when he glanced at him for a second.

Renjun chuckles at his friend's behavior and ruffles his hair. You too should talk things out not fight.

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