➢𝟏𝟔【make it stop】

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Renjun saw it with his very own two eyes.

His boyfriend is kissing Yangyang.

❝R-renjun, I-I can explain.❞ Dejun says as he tries to hold the younger's hands.

Renjun quickly took a step backwards as he shakes his head and stops himself from crying. ❝There's no need for you to explain. I already saw it with my very own two eyes, Dejun.❞

I-It's not what you think it is! I don't like Yangyang! He for──❞ Dejun's words was cut when Renjun slapped him harshly and it left a red mark on his cheeks.

❝I'm over you and your fucking excuses! We're over!❞ Renjun shouts at the top of his lungs, earning some stares from the people around the park but the boy didn't care and slapped Dejun once again.

❝I fucking hate you Xiao Dejun!❞ Renjun shouted and left.

Dejun fell on his knees as he cried for the younger to come back. ❝R-renjun.❞

Yangyang approached him and wraps an arm around Dejun but was quickly yanked away by the older as he runs after Renjun.


Renjun entered his house looking like a crying mess.

His mother noticed it and quickly left the things she needs to do and tried to approach her son but Renjun didn't even spare a glance at her when she tried to call him and just went straight up to his room.

The boy shut close his room's door, startling the raven haired boy whose busy with playing a game on his phone.

Renjun flopped down on his bed and covered himself with his blanket and buried his head on his pillows as he cried.

Jeno frowned at the sound coming from the chinese male's bed. He looked to his left and saw the boy hiding under his blankets. He quietly chuckles as the sight. Renjun surely is a cute little fluff ball.

❝Injunnie.❞ Jeno calls out but he only got a sob in response.

He quickly shot up from his bed and got down as he worriedly approached the crying male's bed. ❝H-hey, what's wrong? W-what happened?❞ He asked as he slowly reached the end of the blanket to reveal the crying Renjun.

❝J-jeno, w-why does it h-hurt?❞ The small boy asked as he hit his chest repeatedly.

The raven haired boy slowly and gently pulled the older in a very comforting hug and to his surprise, the small male calmed down. ❝Just let it all out.❞

And the small male sobs loudly in Jeno's chest. ❝I-I gave him everything! M-my time, my e-effort and my l-love! I g-gave Dejun e-everything that he wanted b-but what did he gave me in r-return?❞ Renjun pulled away from the hug and started hitting the younger's chest.

❝Jeno! H-he cheated on me! I-I saw him and Yangyang k-kissing!❞

Just hearing the reason on why the older was crying, he instantly felt anger building up inside of him. ❝Don't cry, he's not worth of your tears.❞

❝M-make it stop!❞ The older cried as he started hitting the younger's chest repeatedly.

The raven haired boy patiently waits for the small male to calm down. It took Renjun for a matter of nine minutes to calm down. Jeno took this chance and pulled the older into a tight yet comfortable hug.

Both boys stayed in that position for a while before the chinese male broke the comfortable silence surrounding them.

❝Am I a bad kisser? Or my lips aren't soft? Is that why he cheated on me?❞ Renjun asked and pulled away from the hug.

❝Huh?❞ Jeno never felt so confused in his entire life. Why is Renjun asking him if he's a bad or good kisser? And if lips are soft or not?

❝But Jae── I mean someone told me I was a good kisser.❞

Jeno furrowed his brows. Renjun kissed someone else beside from Dejun? ❝What are you talking about?❞

The older tilts his head a little to his left as he looked at Jeno innocently with a confused look. ❝I'm asking you if I'm a good kisser or not.❞ The older says as he starts leaning forward towards Jeno.

The raven haired boy felt so flustered as the older was slowly leaning forward towards him and in a blink of an eye, he was now behind Renjun. ❝What are you doing? Why are you acting so weird all of a sudden? Earlier you were just crying your heart out after Dejun-hyung and you broke up and now you're trying to kiss me?❞

The older turned around to face Jeno with a cute pout plastered on his innocent face. ❝Did I say I was going to kiss you?❞ He tilts his head as he asked.


❝Do you want me to kiss you, Nono?❞ The older had already pinned him on his bed. The younger's eyes widen by the sudden change of attitude of Renjun. Where did his cute and innocent Injunnie go?

❝Nono~❞ The older whined and dropped down on Jeno's body and nuzzles his head in the younger's chest as he inhales his sweet scent.

❝Destroy me.❞ Renjun quietly says but made sure that the younger will hear it which he did as his eyes got even more wider (if that's even possible).

❝Jeno, make me forget about him.❞ The older says as he started sucking the younger's neck. He only heard a quiet moan in response.

❝R-renjun.❞ The younger tried to push the older off from him but failed in the end. He just let the older suck his neck until he found his sweet spot which made him moan louder than before.

❝Renjun, stop.❞ Jeno demands and tried to push him off from him. The older then sat down comfortably on his stomach.

❝Injunnie wants Nono to make Injunnie forget about his ex.❞ The older says as he acted cute. Jeno cooed at the older's cuteness but quickly remembered what he had just did to him.

He sat up and the older slid down to his lap. The older then smashed his lips on the younger's after he sat up. Renjun slowly wraps his arms behind Jeno and played with his hair as they kiss. He then felt Jeno's hand squeeze his peach which made him moan and Jeno quickly slid his tongue inside of Renjun's mouth. Their tongues dance in sync.

Jeno then slips his hands inside of Renjun's shirt as he wanted to touch him even more. His hands caress the older's waist and he felt the older's skin rough.

❝R-renjun.❞ Jeno pulled away from sucking the older's neck as he looks straight into the older's brown orbs worriedly. The older just looked at him in confusion while maintaining an innocent look.

Jeno's hands trembles as he slowly holds the hem of the older's shirt and slowly removes it. ❝R-renjun.❞ He stutters as he had his eyes widen.

❝I-I'm sorry.❞ The older murmurs as he tried to cover his body with his blanket.

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i'm also sorry in advance...

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