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Aug 08 2015

7am || Saturday

Groaning, Renjun lazily sat up from his bed and searched for his phone under his pillow that had been ringing for some good time now. And without looking at the contact's name, he pressed the answer button and spoke harshly. The fuck do you want?

❝Your love!❞ The person from the other line cheerfully answered.

Shut up and let me sleep some more. Renjun said to the person from the other line and ended the call.

And don't even bother calling me again. The chinese male added as he looked sternly at Jaemin who was about to call him again from his bed while cuddling with Jeno.

The younger could only just laugh as he cooed at the older who went back to sleep. He's so cute. Jaemin quietly mumbled as he buried his face in Jeno's neck and inhaled his boyfriend's sweet scent.

Who's cute? Jeno asked, still half asleep.

Me. The younger cutely says and cuddled closer to Jeno.

Yo! Love birds! Wake up! A girl shouted as she plays a song from NTC from her phone with it's volume to the fullest.

The girl then sat down on Jaemin's bed which she and her 'friend' shared as Renjun had planned a sleepover the other day. Jeno and Jaemin shared Jeno's bed while Renjun? He had his own bed to himself.

Yuanjun's face softens as she watch the younger girl sleeps peacefully. Hey, Byeollie, wake up. She whispered softly, afraid to anger the girl as she knew very well that Eunbyeol doesn't like being woken up in the weekends.

No~! The younger whined and threw a pillow at the person who just cut her beautiful dream. It was about her and her crush. They were at a grass field like those in the movies. Both of them were wearing pretty white dresses. They ran around the field as they were playing tag. The older was the it.

Long story short, she's dreaming about her and Yuanjun.

Sighing, the girl left her friend and sat on Renjun's bed as she weakly pulled the younger's arms as an attempt to wake him up. ❝Renjun! Come on~ you're my only hope! Wake up!❞

❝Mr. Huang?❞ A knock was heard from the door.

❝Yes Mrs.Li?❞ Renjun asked as the door opened and a maid in her late forties peeked at the room.

❝Your mother wanted me to call all of you for breakfast now.❞ The maid answered and closed the door after.

Renjun lazily got out from his bed and entered the bathroom to do his morning routines. After some minutes inside the bathroom, the boy then went out and entered his walk in closet to change clothes.

Looking around his closet while changing his clothes, his eyes landed on his calendar and remembered that today is a special day. ❝I should call him.❞ The boy thought out loud and quickly went out of his closet to get his phone under his pillow.

Jumping on his bed with a wide smile, he searched for his phone under his pillow only to find nothing. He looked around the room and his friends are nowhere to be found already. Guessing by the noises from downstairs, they're probably eating breakfast already.

Whoever hid my phone will get a good beating from me. Renjun thought to himself as he exited his room to go downstairs and join his friends for breakfast.

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