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What are you two doing?!

Renjun quickly stood up and made weird hand movements at the girl while trying to say his reasons, ❝It's not what it looks like! I swear!❞

❝Geez, that excuse is so overrated. You're caught red handed Huang, now explain.❞ The girl said and crossed her arms while raising a brow at Renjun who's a sweating mess.

❝I swear! That kiss was an accident!❞ Renjun gritted his teeth as he saw a playful smirk plastered on Yuanjun's lips.

Hey, if you two are talking about the kiss, I just want to say that it wasn't an accident. I meant it. Jaemin butted in their conversation as he moved the swing while petting Renjun's dog.

❝Oh~ so you're in a secret relationship with Jaemin ey?❞ The girl raised a brow at the younger suspiciously.

❝I am not. Why are you even here?❞ Renjun asked, obviously annoyed at how the girl is teasing him.

❝Well, just wanted to say to look up at there.❞ Yuanjun answered as she points at Renjun's house rooftop and saw a boy chilling on the edge of the thick wall while he swayed his legs like a child who couldn't reach the floor whenever he sits on a chair.

❝Oh my god! Why didn't you told me sooner?!❞ Renjun panicked and quickly went inside the house.

Jaemin watched the older ran inside the house as quickly as he can before looking cluelessly at the girl. What did you say to him? The boy asked.

Yuanjun just shrugged as an answer and pointed the boy who's still chilling on the edge of the thick wall's rooftop. Oh. Jaemin mumbled.

Aren't you scared? He might jump off any minute from now. The girl said as she looks back at the boy on the rooftop.

Jaemin then also shrugged. Then if he wants to jump then let him be. That's his choice. The boy said and left.

J-jeno! Renjun shouted in between his irregular breathing.

Jeno turned around as the rooftop's door slammed opened and heard Renjun shouting his name.

Renjun? What are you doing here? The raven haired boy asked as he jumped off from the wall and approached the panting boy.

Y-you! D-don't scare me──ah! Renjun clenched his head as he felt pain in there. He's breathing became short and he was now trying to catch up with his breathing.

H-hey, w-what's happening to you? Jeno asked as he caught Renjun from falling on the ground. Renjun just shook his head and detached himself from Jeno's hold and started walking away.

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