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❝Why are you holding the party here?❞ Yuanjun asked while scanning the garden as people keeps on coming and coming in.

Instead of doing the party inside of Renjun's house, the boy decided to do it to their back garden. ❝Cause I don't want to get kicked out..?❞ The boy answers hesitantly and quickly left the girl to entertain his guest.

Shrugging it off, Yuanjun went to a specific person and surprised her by back hugging her. Byeollie!

❝R-Renjun, I think it's best if you cancel this party now.❞ Mrs.Li says as she follows Renjun everywhere he goes inside the kitchen.

❝Mama and papa wont know. Don't worry Mrs.Li, I'm going to be the one to be blame not you... that is, if they ever finds out.❞ Renjun said as he searched through the cabinets for a bottle of champagne.

❝Uhhh... Mrs.Li, where's the new wine cellar located?❞ Renjun sheepishly smiles at the old woman.

Mrs.Li didn't response to the boy's question and left. She knew very well that Renjun would drink alcohol, that's why she didn't answered and just left.

Renjun ruffles his hair out of frustration. ❝Gosh, looks like I'll have to find it on my own.❞

❝Now, if I were mama, where would I put all the alcohols?❞ Renjun voices out his thoughts as he searched for the wine cellar on the third floor.

❝Renjun! Bro!❞ A tall handsome guy appeared out of nowhere with a bottle of alcohol in his left hand. The tall boy raised his right hand to give Renjun a high five but what Renjun did in exchange was raise a brow.

Crossing his arms, Renjun eyed the boy from head to toes. ❝Where did you get that alcohol, Xuxi.❞

The boy didn't speak to answer but pointed at a door that's open a bit. Renjun nods and patted the tall boy's shoulder for a thank you as he doesn't feel like talking for while.

Renjun stood up to one of the tables and called everyone's attention. ❝Hey everybody!❞

Renjun, get down! Jaemin yelled and quickly pulled the older back to the ground.

Renjun looked at Jaemin in confusion. Ah~ my Nana~! He smiled widely and approached his lover.

❝You're drunk.❞ Jeno shows up from the back of Renjun as he catch the older before he could even hit the ground.

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