➢𝟑𝟏【be our boyfriend】

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❝I'm suddenly curious. Who were those other kids and why are they at your house?❞ Jeno broke the frustrating silence between the three of them as they all just sat on the couch by the living room after getting inside of Jeno and Jaemin's beach house.

The question made Renjun smile sheepishly and scratch his nape shyly. ❝So uh.. there was this one time I went to an NTC fansign and this and that and after the fansign, Hyuck approached me and asked about you two. It's a long story so I'll just make it short. I became close to the members and became friends. Taeyong and Ten asked me if I can be their daughters' babysitter and I said yes. Now I'm a babysitter of four kids, Donghyuck and Chenle also asked me to baby sit their sons. Plus the triplets, it's seven kids. I'm looking after seven kids at once.❞

❝You should join The Return of Superman then! You're a true superman. You're taking care of seven kids at once!❞ Jaemin giggles and wrapped an arm around the chinese male's waist beside him.

❝Hey, I'm curious, who is the triplets' mother?❞ Jeno asked.

Renjun tilts his head a little at the question as he hesitates if he should tell Jeno or not but in the end, Jaemin reassured him by intertwining their hands and sending him his signature smile. ❝It's Eunbyeol.❞

Jeno raised a brow at the answer. Eunbyeol? ❝Are you sure? Cause Xuanyi exactly looks like Yuanjun and Huanyi is a mix of you and her.❞

The oldest chuckles at the statement. It's pretty normal now (for him) when everyone thinks that Yuanjun is the triplets' mother when she isn't. ❝Well, have you heard that saying or something? I don't really know, but I always hear the elders say that whenever someone always spends time with a baby, they most likely looks like them. I don't know if that makes sense but... yeah.❞ Renjun shrugs and slouched on the couch to feel more comfortable.

❝So if Eunbyeol is the mother, where is she?❞ Jeno asked once again as he was trying to solve something in his head.

❝Haven't seen her since the party I held, back in 2015. Yuanjun told me that her parents' company got bankrupted and she had to go back to korea because of it to help her parents.❞ The chinese shrugged once again and laid his head on Jaemin's shoulder while still playing with the younger's hands.

Jeno just nods and was now near to completely solving that something. Just one more question and he'll surely get the answer. ❝If Eunbyeol went back to korea, she must've given birth to the triplets here...❞ The boy started and made Renjun face him with him cupping his face. ❝How did you got the triplets?❞

❝Yuanjun brought them to me saying that Eunbyeol doesn't know how to take care of three kids and she can't support them since her parents' company got bankrupt and she was already supporting their family and such.❞

A deep sigh then can be heard from Jaemin's place. Both of the older looked at the younger to check if he's okay or not. ❝What's wrong?❞ Renjun was the first to ask.

❝I thought you wanted to see the inside of the house? Why are you two only talking?❞ The youngest whined and pouted cutely.

Jeno cooed at the sight of Jaemin whining and pouting all cutely. He had the urge to just kiss those cute pouting lips of his lover and so he did. He leaned in and stole a peck.

Jaemin on the other hand didn't mind Jeno stealing a peck from him. It's normal for both of them now. They've been together for almost five years now.

But Renjun on the other hand had his cheeks all flushed. It was red, redder than anything that's red. Sure, he cooed at the sight but he can't help but feel awkward.

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