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Once Jeno and Jaemin finished unpacking and came out from their closet, both boys saw Renjun laying on his bed, shirtless.

Jeno's cheek instantly became rosy red from the view in front him. J-Jaemin.. Jeno stutters as he turns to look at his boyfriend whose cheeks are the same with his.

L-let's just go to our beds. Jaemin finally spoke and walked towards their own beds. The two laid down on their beds and at the same time, Renjun sat up and turned to look at his two new ❛roommates❜. (as he considers them.)

Are you two dating? Renjun asked.

Jaemin also sat up on his bed and turned to face the older, "He's still shirtless."

Renjun raised a brow, getting a little impatient. Jaemin only nod. Oh.. Renjun mumbled. Jeno soon followed Jaemin and sat up on his bed and looked at the shirtless Renjun.

I can't believe I just became a third wheel inside my own goddamn room. Renjun muttered to himself out loud thinking that none of the two heard him.

You don't have to be a third wheel. Jeno said.

A smirk then found its way on Jaemin's lips, Jen's right, you don't need to be a third wheeler.

Renjun raised his brows, And what do you want me to be? Be your second boyfriend? The chinese male jokingly said but soon stopped when he saw the youngest giving him a serious look.

If you wouldn't mind then yes. Jaemin spoke in a very seductive manner, gaining a blushing and flustered mess, Huang Renjun.

Renjun is lucky since he regained himself within three seconds of being flustered and started talking once again. Do you want me to kick the both of you out of my house or what?

I already hate these two.

It's just a joke bruh! Jeno laughs.

Renjun playfully rolled his eyes, Whatever, just don't go fishing whenever I'm here.

Jaemin knitted his brows as he tilted his head a little, Fishing? Inside your room? He asked and Renjun found it cute how he looked confused by his own choice of word.

Read Babysitter by chogiwanese on the upside down M for McDonalds app. I don't have time to explain, I have something to attend. Renjun said and grabbed his sweatshirt beside him and started walking towards the door as he wears it.

Jeno and Jaemin stared at Renjun in awe as he wears his clothes, You can do anything in here but just don't make out, please. The older said before going out of his room.

The two boys blushes at Renjun's words. Jeno then turned to look at his boyfriend, What does fishing means? Jeno asked.

What was the story again? Jaemin asked and grabbed his phone under his pillow and opened his wattpad app.

I think it's Baby.. uhh.. s-sitter? If I'm not mistaken, it's written by chowa- choginese? what?

Just search Babysitter and we'll read every book if we have to just to know what the fuck he meant by saying fishing inside of his room. Jeno said and helped Jaemin search for the story.

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