➢𝟐𝟓【sleeping together】

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Renjun laughs awkwardly and pulled his daughter away from the boy. ❝X-xuan, come h-here please.❞

❝Chenle please bring the kids back to their room.❞ Renjun told the younger chinese and gave Xuanyi to his hold before turning to look back at the boy again.

❝No! Dada!❞ Xuanyi whined from Chenle's hold.

Huanyi looked at his sister and then at the boy who helped him and his brother find their way home. ❝Dada? Oh! Are you our dada that our papa always talks about?!❞ The baby asked cheerfully and went near the boy to have a good look of his face despite of his uncle Lele pulling him away.

❝Chenle, please bring them to their room now.❞ Renjun pleads.

❝You... talks about me?❞ The boy asked and a small smile slowly found it's way on his lips. After all these years, he thought that his little chinese had forgotten about him and already found someone else.

❝Wait, are you ma──❞ The boy was cut by Chenle who butts in their conversation.

My hyung is not married. He's a single father. And with that, Chenle had gone upstairs before Renjun could even attack him.

❝Jingwei, Huanyi, go to your room, now.❞ Renjun demanded, eyes focused on the boy that's in front of him.

Jingwei was the first to listen to his papa and went upstairs. Huanyi on the other hand, stood firm in his place. ❝Mama!❞ The baby shouted after spotting a girl by the gate.

Both of the adults turned to the direction Huanyi is looking and saw a girl locking the gates and walking towards them. Huanyi quickly got out from the house and jumped in the girl's arms.

❝Mama! Papa had found dada!❞ Huanyi exclaimed as he points at the two boys by the door frame standing still in their places.

The girl raised a brow at the baby in her arms and looked at the person the baby was pointing at. Her lips formed a big smile after recognizing the person. ❝Jaemin!❞

The boy bowed awkwardly. ❝Yuanjun.❞

❝What are you doing here?❞ Renjun raised a brow at his friend who just entered his house as if she owns it which she does to be honest. He and Yuanjun bought the house together with the money they made with their restaurant that they also share. They're basically doing best friends goals.

Yuanjun then gasps dramatically and puts a hand on her chest after hearing her friend's question. ❝Am I not allowed here?❞

❝I'll get going then.❞ Jaemin suddenly said and was ready to leave when he felt a hand held his wrist tightly, stopping him from leaving.

❝Oh no, you're not going anywhere mister. Renjun spent almost three years trying to find you and Jeno and now that one of you are here, I'm not letting you leave. I'm kidnapping you.❞ Yuanjun smiles innocently and pulled the boy inside the house and locked the door.

❝Ah! Xiaojun! Comeback!❞ Jingwei shouts as he runs after the running dog that's about to go downstairs.

❝Hey! Don't run!❞ Chenle chased after Jingwei and caught him on time before the baby could fall from the stairs as he tripped by one of the toys.

❝Mama! Mama!❞ Xuanyi shouts as she ran out from her room after Chenle went out to get the boys to their room.

Yuanjun smiled at the baby girl who's taking her time going down the stairs as she didn't want to fall. ❝Mama! Dada is here now!❞

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