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What's with all of these blue body paint all of a sudden? Renjun questions as he watch his friend place a paper bag full of body paint in the kitchen counter.

Didn't you told me to make you pretty? Donghyuck raised a brow at his friends playfully and then raised a plastic bag in front of Renjun.

What's that? The chinese male asked before getting dragged by his friend to his room upstairs.

You'll see. Donghyuck says before pushing the older down on his bed harshly.


❝Lee Donghyuck! I swear to god. If you invited Mark over, I'm going to kill you!❞ Renjun shouts for Donghyuck, who's upstairs that is still in the older's room, to hear.

Renjun left his glass of water at the kitchen counter to check on who's at the door as the doorbell keeps on ringing nonstop.

The kids are sleeping peacefully. The triplets sleeps in their own room while the others sleeps in the guest rooms. It's one in the afternoon now, that's why. But those peacefully sleeping kids were just faking it.

❝Stop ringing the doorbell you dumbfu──❞ The chinese male stops himself from talking after opening the door harshly and seeing two beautiful human beings standing by his house's front door.

Without think twice, Renjun quickly shut the door close again and locking it in the process.

The boy leaned over the door and slides down as he has his hand hold his chest and if you listen closely, you'll hear his heart beating fast like crazy and he can feel his stomach having butterflies in them.

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