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I'll be right back. The teacher says and left.

It's now their detention time.

Finally! Renjun deeply sighs and grabbed his phone from his backpack that's just underneath his table.

Gonna call Yuan? Dejun asked and Renjun nodded.

He then dials Yuanjun's number and waited for the girl to pick up.

Jeno and Jaemin on the other hand are staring into thin air.

Both thought that they'll be in detention room together with Renjun and Dejun longer but was quickly dismissed after fifteen minutes.

The reason was because today is the first day of class and both of them being new to the school and still isn't familiar with the school rules but the next time they'll get into detention, it'll be longer since by then, they should be already familiar with the rules. (Renjun and Dejun always gets in detention before Jeno and Jaemin entered their lives. The two had been attending the school for about two to three years. Those are the reasons they're staying a bit longer even though it's only the first day)

Yuanjun? Jaemin raised a brow at the girl that's standing in front of the door.

Yeah? The girl turned to face them.

You also got sent to detention? Jaemin asked.

Yuanjun shook her head, No, I came here to get the two idiots. She answered and knocked on the door.

Renjun quickly stood up from his seat once a knock was heard from the door. Ma'am! Can we already go home? Someone has came to pick us up now.

Who is it? The teacher asked as she approaches the door after closing it a minute ago.

My cousin! Renjun lied once he saw Yuanjun by the door. The teacher is new and probably doesn't know much about them so might as well use an advantage to it.

Next time you get into detention, I'll really am going to call auntie and tell her to pick you up from detention since 'I badly wanna go home'. Yuanjun mimicked him.

Oh shut up please. You can't even make eye contact with my mother. Renjun laughs as he went out of the room with Dejun and Yuanjun

Injunnie! Jaemin jumped up from the floor and quickly hugged the chinese male.

Dejun scoffs at the sight and pulled Renjun away from Jaemin. He's mine.

Jeno gasps, earning a weird look from all of them. You know korean?!

Yeah, why? Got a problem with that?

Nope, nothing at all.

Yuanjun then faked a cough and stood in the middle of the two couple. So Renjun, are we still going on the date or not?

D-DATE?! The three boys choked as they eyed Renjun who's keeping a poker face when deep inside, he's already ready to attack the life out of Yuanjun.

We're going. I'll just get Jeno and Jaemin home.

What about me? Dejun pouts.

Renjun pinched his cheeks, "You big baby, you're coming with us.

Which us? The older asked, still pouting cutely.

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