➢𝟑𝟖【the end♡】

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Renjun was the first to wake up out of all the people inside the house and the first thing he did in the morning was to throw up.

This has been happening for almost a week now ever since they arrived in Seoul and stayed at Eunbyeol's house. ❝What is wrong with me? I'm not sick, right?❞ The chinese talked to himself at the mirror.

❝Maybe you're pregnant?❞ Yuanjun said after entering the boy's room and over heard Renjun talking to himself by the mirror.

❝What the hell? I'm a boy you idiot. There are no mpreg in this story but in the next one, there will be.❞ Renjun talked nonsense which made the girl raised a brow teasingly.

❝The hell are you talking about?❞ Yuanjun smacked her friend's head playfully and went to the window to open the curtain so the light of the sun can get inside the dark room.

❝Breakfast is ready, sleepy heads.❞ The girl chirped as she patted the blanket that was covering Jeno and Jaemin as an attempt to wake them up.

❝We'll be there in like... five minutes!❞ Renjun says while pushing the girl out from the room and locking the door afterwards.

❝Jichen-gēge!❞ Xuanyi exclaimed after seeing her crush enter the living room to probably play with them as they wait for their aunties to finish cooking their breakfast.

The boy smiled after spotting Xuanyi and engulfed the baby girl in a tight hug. ❝My baby Yiyi!❞

A fake cough then interrupted the two's lovely dovely moment.As far as I know, you two are cousins not lovers. Youngwan raised a brow with her arms crossed at her chest while giving the two chinese baby those suspicious eyes.

The two nods. Yeah, we're cousins. Jichen said and it somehow made Xuanyi sad. Doesn't the boy likes her back? Can't he just say that they like each other? Is it because they're cousins? Is it bad to like your cousin?

Their were so many questions running inside of Xuanyi's head. Luckily, her brother was there to snap her out from her deep thoughts. ❝Mommy Binnie told us to get inside the dining room to eat breakfast, Xuan!❞ Huanyi shouted right at the baby girl's ears and then left to go to the dining room.

❝I'm a forty-six, becoming forty-seven, month old baby but I have a mind of a thirteen years old.❞ Xuanyi mumbled her thoughts out as she sat on her chair that that is between her mama and papa.

I'm so glad you finally decided to come to Seoul! I wont have to go back and forth from Seoul to Jeju whenever I need you to babysit my sons! Donghyuck exclaimed after Renjun sat down on his chair.

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