➢𝟎𝟕 【zhong chenle's boyfriend】

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I said I'm fine. Can we go home already? Renjun whines.

❝No, the doctor said you need to stay here for another day. You broke your leg you dummy.❞ Yuanjun scolds her friend and looked at Jeno and Jaemin.

❝Please look after Renjun for awhile. I need to go somewhere.❞ The girl took a low bow at the two korean boys before going out of the room.

After Yuanjun left, the atmosphere around the room became awkward. Renjun would glance from time to time at the two boys who are sitting on the sofa not far from his hospital bed.

After some minutes, Jaemin cleared his throat as he stands up from his seat and approached Renjun. ❝So.. uh.. uhm.. w-would you like anything?❞ The youngest asked.

❝Please be specific.❞ Jaemin added.

❝Mrs.Huang just texted me.❞ Jeno states as he walks over to the two.

Renjun just stares at them as he doesn't want to talk to anyone right now, well, except for Yuanjun and Dejun. ❝She said she wont be able to come today but she'll be here when Renjun gets discharged which is tomorrow.❞

Renjun clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. He deeply sighs and turned to the other side as he didn't want to see anyone. ❝They're always like that.❞

❝I──❞ Renjun stopped Jaemin as he sat up straight and felt pain in his leg in the process.

❝I want some hotpot, please.❞


❝Huang Renjun please.❞

❝What's your relation with the patient?❞ The nurse asked.

❝I'm his──❞ Dejun quickly stops himself and cleared his throat. ❝I'm his friend.❞

The nurse nod and searched for Renjun's room. ❝He's at room 238.❞

Dejun mumbled a quick thanks at the nurse and went to where Renjun's room is located.

After some minutes of waiting for the elevator to reach his floor, the door finally opened and Dejun can't help but have his jaw dropped at the sight. It's Renjun's mother. He quickly took a low bow at her while she just gave him a look of disgust and proceed to exit the elevator followed by two bodyguards. ❝Just make sure you wont hurt my son.❞ She muttered quietly when she went pass by Dejun.

❝She's one ass of a weirdo.❞ Dejun mumbles to himself as he took one last glance at Renjun's mother before closing the elevator and pushing his designated floor.

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