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Wiping his tears away and quickly closing their dairy, Renjun got off from his bed and hid the diary back to his box that's under his bed and went out of the room to greet his friends.

But before going out of his room, his eyes landed on the calendar beside his room's door. ❝March 23 2019.❞ Renjun reads the date of today and then went out of his room after.

Renjun! The said boy was engulfed in a tight hug by one of his friends. After some seconds, Renjun's friend pulled away from the tight hug and handed him a gift. ❝Happy birthday!❞ His friend giggles and Renjun gladly accepted his gift.

Both of them then sat on the couch in the living room. I'm really jealous, you know? His friend started which made Renjun chuckles.

What's the matter? Renjun asked his friend who looks so stressed right now.

Being a single parent is so hard! How can you survive with three kids?! I don't understand! His friend complaints and another guy then entered the living room with a baby in his arms.

Papa! The baby made grabby hands at his papa and the boy didn't hesitate to get the baby from his 'daddy'.

Stop throwing me off from the frame love! I'm Yijun's daddy. The boy, who was holding the baby earlier, whined and sat down close to his lover and trapped him and their baby in a tight hug.

Get a room you two. Renjun made a playful disgusted look at his friends who's being too affectionate with each other.

❝Papa! Papa! Papa! Look!❞ A baby girl, who's holding a paper, run towards Renjun cheerfully. Renjun then lifted his daughter from the ground and made her sit on his lap.

His daughter then showed him the paper. ❝This is my gift for papa!❞ Xuanyi handed the paper to Renjun.

❝Xuanyi drew that! This is mama, this is papa then this is Jingwei, this is Huanyi, this is Xuanyi! And this is Xiaojun!❞ The baby points at each one of the people she drew on the paper and to their pet dog.

❝You're just like me Xuan, looks like you're the one who got my drawing skills.❞ Renjun chuckles and bopped their noses and continued to admire the master piece that his daughter drew.

❝Papa! Uncle Lele and uncle Jiji are here!❞ Jingwei shouts after opening the door for the couple to enter.

Chenle quickly sat down beside Renjun and grabbed Xuanyi from his hold as the younger played with her. Jisung, I want a daughter like Xuanyi one day. Chenle says as if it wasn't a big deal.

Everyone in the room started choking in thin air after hearing what Chenle said. What? The boy raised a brow at everyone.

Don't you like already have a son? The oldest of them all said and points at the baby hiding behind Jisung's legs.

Yeah. So what if I also wants a daughter? Chenle says and motioned Jisung to sit next to him.

Anyways, Mark Lee! Can I talk to your husband? Renjun asked and Mark just nodded.

Renjun then quickly dragged his best friends upstairs to his room. The older locked the room after getting inside and faced the younger who's lying on his bed peacefully as he admires the galaxy like ceiling of Renjun's room.

I need your help Hyuckie!

With what?

My mother just called me yesterday and told me that I'm getting married within a month from now. It's the son of the founder of the Samsung company here. Renjun started to explain his problem. And I still don't fucking know who this guy is!

Renjun buried his head in his palms. Donghyuck just pats his back and was ready to say something when Renjun started yelling and tears flowing down on his cheeks. I don't want to get married to a boy who I don't even know! I want to marry Jeno and Jaemin not a random boy whom my parents arranged me with!

Why don't you just fake a marriage with Yuanjun? After all, she's the mother of your kids, she'll probably help you as she always does. And if you ever finds Jeno or Jaemin, you could end the fake marriage and marry them. Donghyuck suggested and it somehow calmed Renjun down for a bit.

You idiot. She's not my kids' mother, it's Eunbyeol, her girlfriend. Renjun reminded his friend.

Speaking of Eunbyeol, Renjun haven't seen her after the party he held at his house in china back in 2015. It was the last time he saw her.

After two years, Yuanjun showed up at Renjun's front door. He had moved to korea after a year Jeno and Jaemin left him as the two stopped contacting him. He moved to korea to find his lovers but what he found was that he's already a father of three wonderful beautiful kids.

Yuanjun was planning to just leave the triplets by Renjun's doorstep but she was caught while placing Huanyi's basket on the ground.

Renjun asked her on whose children were they and the girl told him that it was his and Eunbyeol. The time when Renjun woke up after the party he held back in 2015, something happened to him and Eunbyeol.

The girl asked Yuanjun to give their kids to their father as she doesn't know how to take care of kids and she can't afford their needs as she was already supporting her family as their company just got bankrupt after she gave birth to the triplets.

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe. Yuanjun is actually the mother and she's just using her girlfriend for a cover up? Donghyuck asked and pointed at the ring that's on Renjun's bedside table. Remember when you told me about the ring that you know Eunbyeol doesn't own but she claims that she does? The boy added.

Anyways, I'm still curious on where you got Yijun. Renjun said, trying to get out from their topic as he doesn't feel like talking about the triplets' mother right now.

Oh that, Donghyuck chuckles as he clearly remembers the time he got Yijun. A fan gave him to me as a gift, crazy right? But nonetheless, I love my son very much. It has been atleast two years after I got him.

❝Papa! Can I play with uncle Hyuckie now?!❞ Jingwei knocks aggressively at his papa's room door.

Renjun chuckles before unlocking the door of his room and went back downstairs with his son in his arms and Donghyuck following from behind.

I still can't believe we became friends after I went to one of your fan signs from last year. Renjun suddenly said out of nowhere as they made their way back to the living room.

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chenji is back and markhyuck happened within a span of three/four years,,, what about norenmin???

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