➢𝟏𝟐【ntc 1 to 7】

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"Oh my gosh! I'm about to faint!"

"NTC will be the death of me!"

"Ahh! Winwin be my husband!"

"In your dreams!"

"He already has Yuta!"

"They're so hot goddammit!"

"I'm a hoe for them!"

"Dongyoung, Jaehyun, Taeil, Haechan and Jungwoo's voice are so angelic, gosh. Is that what you hear when you're in heaven?"

"Mark is back hugging Haechan! Ah! MarkHyuck nation where y'all at?!"

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! They're about to perform Whiplash!"


❝That concert was lit!❞ Renjun exclaimed as the seven of them walk their way backstage to meet up close the members of NTC.

❝Oh my god! I'm getting nervous as we get near them.❞ Renjun mumbles to himself out loud.

He had been voicing all of his thoughts out loud for the past few hours ever since the concert started and up untill now, it looks like he wont stop doing it.

Well, not until he meets his bias, Mark and Haechan.

It's a high touch.

Hey, do you think Mark-hyung still hates us? Jeno questions Jaemin as he trembles. They're already in a line for the high touch and Jeno can't seem to stop trembling.

I'm sure he doesn't and why would he? We were Donghyuck's boyfriends back then. We should be the one who hates Mark-hyung because he stole our Hyuckie from us. Jaemin states as he rubs the older's back to comfort him. After some time, Jeno's trembling calmed down and he was no longer trembling.

And now, Jaemin and Haechan are staring at each other. H-hi. Donghyuck managed to say in front of the Na Jaemin who seems to be deeply staring at him.

Jaemin, psst! Someone snapped the younger out from his thoughts. He turned to where the noise was coming and saw Renjun calling after him.

Well, nice meeting you again... Hyuckie. Jaemin bowed and went to his group of friends.

You look so in love with Haechan. Renjun states as he saw the younger staring at the idol earlier.

Well, I was once but not that much anymore. Jaemin states and left to cling onto his boyfriend.

❝Hey, ever wondered what it could be like to become friends with an idol?❞ Renjun asked, no one in particular.

❝But we're all already friends with an idol.❞ Yuanjun pointed at Chenle who's also clinging tightly on Jisung's arms.

Renjun could only roll his eyes, ❝Chenle is an exception.❞

❝Well...❞ Yuanjun swayed side to side as she points at a guy from behind them who seems like he's running after them.

But as the guy became clear in Renjun's view, his eyes widen. ❝Is he running after us?❞ Renjun asked as his faces shows how bewildered he is while looking back and forth from Yuanjun and to the idol.

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