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❝Jingwei, Huanyi, escort your uncles to the gate and tell them thank you for papa!❞ Renjun shouts from the kitchen as he and Xuanyi were doing the dishes when his friends decided to go home as it was getting late.

❝Papa,❞ Xuanyi stopped placing the dishes to the dish rack and faced her papa with curiousity plastered on her face. ❝What does dada and daddy looks like?❞ The baby asked and looked at her papa's eyes.

Renjun stayed silent for a while as he doesn't know how to answer his daughter's question. He now regrets addressing Jeno and Jaemin as the triplets' dada and daddy. ❝Your d-dada and d-daddy are cute and handsome.❞

❝You know what? After we wash the dishes, papa will show you a picture.❞ Renjun said and both of them continued to wash the dishes.

❝Have you seen your brothers?❞ Renjun worriedly asked his daughter who's busy playing with her barbie dolls on the carpet by the living room.

Xuanyi shook her head as a no. Renjun sighs and decided to call his 'cousin'. After a few seconds of ringing, Chenle had answered the call.

❝Le, are Jingwei and Huanyi with you?❞ Renjun quickly asked, not giving the younger a chance to say hi to him.

❝No, why?❞

❝They haven't come back after they escorted you all earlier.❞ Renjun remained calm with his voice but his mind was flying everywhere.

Something bad could have happened to his sons by now. They might have been kidnapped or a truck ran over them or an alien might had abduc── ❝I'm coming over, don't panic gē, we'll find the two.❞

And with that, Chenle hung up.

Mister! Wait for us!

Chenle came inside the house as quick as he can. The boy rings the doorbell nonstop after arriving. Renjun opened the door for the younger in annoyance. ❝Are you trying to break my doorbell? You know I can't afford another one after Jichen and Yijun broke it.❞

❝Eh? What do you mean? Is the restaurant going through something?❞ Chenle asked as he removes his shoes and placed it by the shoe rack.

❝No...❞ Renjun says as he avoided the younger's eyes. ❝Anyways, help me find the boys!❞

Chenle nodded and both of them went to the living room. Chenle took out his phone from his pocket and dialed someone while Renjun started thinking on where his sons could be and what's happening to them.

❝Papa, what's wrong?❞ Xuanyi asked as she left her dolls on the carpet and climbed on the couch to asked her papa who looks so stressed at the moment.

Renjun showed a his daughter a weak smile and shook his head. ❝Nothing's wrong baby.❞

Mister! Jingwei continued to call after the guy who just passed by them earlier.

The boy then finally turned around and faced the baby who keeps on calling after him. The boy raised a brow as he didn't see anyone from his back. He was about to continue walking when he felt someone tugging his pants. He looked down and saw two boys.

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