➢𝟐𝟖【make me pretty please】

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❝A-ah! Stop! I-it hurts!❞

❝Don't be too loud, the kids might hear us.❞

❝J-jaemin! I-I'm going to──❞

❝Don't shout.❞

❝I-I can't!❞


❝What do you think papa and dada are doing?❞ Xuanyi hugs her teddy bear tightly while standing in front of her papa's room door.

Huanyi shrugs, ❝Let's ask.❞ The baby suggest and was about to knock at the door but the doorbell ringing stops him from it.

❝I'll get it!❞ Jingwei shouts from downstairs in the living room who was busy playing with Xuanyi's barbie dolls in secret.

The baby opened the door and he can't help but have a huge smile at the tall male in front of him. ❝Uncle Hyuckie!❞ The baby exclaimed and raised his arms in the air for the male to carry him.

❝Jingwei!❞ Four babies exclaimed at the same time and hugged the said baby.

Jingwei giggles at his friends. ❝I call papa!❞ The baby says in his broken korean as he isn't familiar with the language, yet.

❝I-it still hurts!❞ Renjun's whining can be heard from downstairs. Donghyuck awkwardly laughs at the noise his friend is making from upstairs and dragged the five babies inside the living room.

❝I think it's best if uncle Hyuckie calls your papa, okay?❞ The tanned male talks to Jingwei and the baby just nods and started playing with his friends.

❝Yoonhyeon noona look pretty today!❞ Jingwei states and moved closer to the girl who was busy playing with Xuanyi's dolls with Youngwan.

❝Hey, Hyunnie, is it true you're getting a baby brother?❞ Youngwan asked which caught everyone that is inside the living room their full attention.

❝Yeah, but let's not talk about it. Let's talk about our crushes!❞ The girl said and stopped playing with the dolls and faced her friends with full curiosity.

❝Well I like Jichen!❞ A baby girl shouts while walking inside the living room.

Youngwan, Yoonhyeon and Yijun didn't understood what the baby said which made them furrowed their brows at her while their other friend, Jichen, was blushing like crazy.

❝R-really?❞ Jichen stutters as he tries to cover his blushing face.

❝Hey guys! Uncle hyuckie just told us that papa and dada are going to give us a new baby sister!❞ Huanyi enters the living room like a king he is, with his arms spreading widely like he was waiting for someone to hug him and a toy crown on his head and a cape on his back.

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