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Morning came in a blink of an eye. Xuanyi was the first to wake up out of all the people in the house. ❝Mama! Mama! I want pancakes!❞ The baby continuously jumps on Yuanjun's bed.

❝Ask your papa not me. Mama still needs to sleep.❞ Yuanjun mumbled and buried her head on her pillow.

The baby then stopped jumping and sighs deeply. The baby got out from her mama's room and walks down the small hallway of their house when an idea popped in her head. ❝I'll ask dada!❞ She shouted and ran to her papa and dada's room.

❝Dada! Dada! Please make me pancakes!❞ Xuanyi shouts and climbed on the side of the bed and slaps Jaemin's cheeks.

Jaemin groans and pulls Renjun closer to him. ❝Ask your papa.❞ The boy mumbles and nuzzles in Renjun's neck.

Xuanyi pouts at how almost everyone in the house is ignoring her. ❝Papa! Will you make me pancakes?!❞

❝Ask your mama not me. I don't know how to cook.❞ Renjun mumbles and wraps his arms around Jaemin's torso.

❝But I already asked mama! She told me to ask both of you! Looks like I'll have to make it on my own.❞ The baby mumbles quietly which woke Renjun up.

❝Papa will make you pancakes!❞ Renjun jolts up from his bed and quickly made his way out of it while carrying Xuanyi in the process.

The baby in his arms giggles at how her papa quickly woke up. ❝I'm not going to burn down the kitchen like Huanyi!❞

❝I'm a girl! A girl knows how to cook like mama!❞

❝Yeah, a girl like Yuanjun, the devil, who almost burned the kitchen down.❞ Renjun rolls his eyes and took out the pancake mix from the cabinet.

Speaking of the devil, here comes Yuanjun. ❝You liar! I didn't burn the kitchen down! It was Donghyuck not me!❞ The girl smacks her friend's head playfully before snatching the bowl with the pancake mix and mixing it.

Renjun could only roll his eyes at his friend and left the kitchen with Xuanyi to let Yuanjun make the pancakes.

❝Dada!❞ Huanyi runs down the stairs with Xiaojun following from behind. The dog kept on barking while the baby was shouting.

It didn't took a minute for the baby to get down the stairs as he had slides down from it. ❝Ha! You saw that Xuan?! I'm a chenlegendary!❞ The baby stops his right foot twice before jumping in the couch beside his papa.

❝A what?❞

❝I'm a chenlegendary! I got the word from uncle Lele!❞

❝They're so cute!❞ Jaemin squeals while hitting Renjun's arms from the cuteness overload of the two babies. What if Jingwei gets added? He'll surely lose it and might kill Renjun from hitting too hard with all the cuteness of the babies.

Hello? Renjun answers the call hesitantly. Why? Cause it's not his phone, it's Jaemin's.

The boy is in the shower right now when his phone started ringing and Renjun can't help but be curious on who has been calling Jaemin nonstop.

After seeing the caller's id, he can't help but smile unconsciously. It's Jeno.

Jaemin? Wait, you're not Nana, where is he?!

❝J-jeno… N-nana is taking a s-shower right n-now. Y-you’re talking to R-renjun.❞ The chinese stutters out of the nervousness and excitement he is feeling right now.

Am I dreaming? ❝R-renjun?❞

The said boy nods enthusiastically and realized seconds after that the younger can't see him as it's just a call. He mentally face palmed himself for it. ❝Y-yeah.❞

❝Papa! Our lunch is ready! Uncle Tyong cooked our lunch!❞ Jingwei bursts opened the door while shouting. His papa just nods and spread his arms for the baby to jump in his arms, which the baby did, and carried him up after.

The baby then points at the phone that his papa was holding. ❝Who that?❞ Jingwei asked.

❝Where even are you?❞ Jeno finally spoke once again after a million years of silence in the call. The baby raised a brow at his papa who haven't answered his question.

❝I'm by the beach house near yours and Jaemin's.❞ Renjun answered before facing his baby in his arms.

“It's your daddy.” Renjun mouthed at his son as he doesn't want Jeno to hear it. Sure, he could've just muted the call and told the baby out loud but that didn't came across his mind when he answered his son and just when he finished mouthing the words, that's the time the thought of just muting the call came in his mind.

❝It's daddy?!❞

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