Part 63

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It was empty. Not even a season passed and I was already so used of having her with me. Walking into our home, I was met with silence. Her faint scent still lingered in the air, only increasing the emptiness in my chest. My lungs breathed in her scent instinctively and I closed my eyes, remembering of days we spent here. It took a few minutes for me to move again and I walked to my bed. Tomorrow we go on a hunt and I need all the energy that I have. It might take days for us to find him if he fled somewhere else than our territory. Doubtful, but possible.

I woke up with first rays, my body feeling heavy and exhausted. It was harder to fall asleep than I thought. Everything felt wrong. Laying down felt wrong, waiting for the morning felt wrong, being alone felt wrong.

After breakfast and some stretching, I left to meet everyone who would participate in the hunt. My mind already planing routes and strategies on how to take Rashine and Anna down. Neither of them will live.

One by one, people began gathering by the sacrificial pedestal, talking between themselves. Excitement lingered in the air as I watched my people. Some of them were being sent off by their loved ones, others came in two or entire families. They all awaited my orders, but I staid silent. Ogden was still missing and I knew he was busy with something. Just as I though that, I saw a man running towards me.

'Alpha, bad news! The woman from the prison escaped!' He screamed across the field as he neared me. People began murmuring, but I only smirked. So predictable.

'When?' I asked, but I already knew the answer.

'Around yesterday evening and R-'

'Rashine was the culprit' I finished the man's sentence and he looked at me surprised.

'I knew he would do that. That man is so predictable. Go rest this night'

The man thanked me and walked away, still puzzled. People around me began murmuring about Rashine even more, but I wasn't interested. I looked around and frowned. Where is that short tailed pup?

As if the Gods themselves were trying to surprise me, I turned to my right and saw Ogden running at me at full speed. Something was wrong.

'Laird, Luna's body is gone' Cane announced and everybody froze. His eyes were dilated, lips pursed and his breathing off. Cane was in hunting mode, but not for the killer.

Dead silence enveloped everyone.

'What?' Laird took control so quickly that I almost blacked out.

'What did you say?!' He roared and Cane answered with his own growl.

'I was passing through the path towards the burial chamber and noticed that half of the torches were pulled out, some of them broken. There is a familiar scent, but I can't pinpoint it.'

We turned towards the group of people who all had shocked and angry faces. First the living and now the dead?

'I want everyone to scout the territory, every nook and cranny, nothing left unchecked. Report to me if you find something strange or found Rashine immediately!' Laird roared and everyone scrambled to their feet. In a second the clearing was empty and we turned to Cane.

'Let's go'

We walked to the path that lead to the burial chamber and as Cane said, the torches were thrown everywhere. The scent also hit our noses and the familiarity hit us. The scent was definitely one of the pack's, but it was musky and light. We allowed Cane to walk with us down the path and we reached the entrance. The boulder was pushed away, enough for someone to squeeze through. Claw marks were dragged against the rock.  Whoever it was, it entered in their beast form.

Beast form?

'I'm the only one who can leave marks like that' Laird growled as he looked at the claw marks.

'Yes, because of them, I don't think it was Rashine'

'But who?' Laird mused as he entered the cavern. He didn't walk further as he could see the empty pedestal where he left Lynea's body.

The silence propped Laird to look at Cane and he saw the man staring at him intensely.

'What are you suggesting?'

'You know what' Cane answered and Laird frowned.



'It has never happened before'

'But Luna was dead not even a full moon' Cane reasoned, looking quite sure about his theory, but Laird wasn't.

'Why her? She is not the first human Luna and times were more dangerous before' Laird pointed out and Cane frowned.

'Maybe because you decided to settle down only now?' Cane mused and Laird couldn't keep his hands down. He hit Cane over the head as he passed him and growled.

'I don't need to be reminded of my age and I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Lynea's body disappearing. Now that you had your fun time, can we go and find her body?'

Cane followed Laird out of the chamber and watched as the entrance was closed again by him. He could see the tremble of rage in Laird's body, but the latter was suppressing it quite well.

'Let's go, we need to scout for three bodies now. I swear, I will eat, the one who stole her body, alive' Laird snarled and began walking down the path. He didn't even wait for more open space to shift and Cane had to follow. Cane's wolf body was so small compared to Laird beast's, but it didn't deter him away. Everybody were proud of the gift, Cane included. Except Rashine. Whatever got into his mind, it did nothing good for the man.

As Laird and Cane stepped into the nearby forest, a small wolf bolted out of the foliage, barely able to stop himself from crashing into two.

'Alpha! We found crazed werewolf in our territory. I-it looks just like you!' The man shouted and Laird frowned.

It seems the Gods really are trying to surprise him.

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