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'Send me your location,

Let's focus on communicating.

'Cause I just the time and place to come through

(Place to come through)'



Maya fell back landing with a bounce on her hard mattress; ignoring the feeling of sharp springs digging into her sore back. Ralph, her two-year-old boxer, jumped onto the bed and shoved his flattened face into her armpit and began letting out small whines of displeasure.

Maya groaned, sitting up to give attention to the spoiled baby. She had found him at the pound just a day away from him being put down and she had immediately fallen in love with his brown fur and big grey eyes.

She scratched behind his ear, watching him melt at her touch and roll onto his back so she could rub his stomach. Maya smiled at his adorable antics.

"Okay Ralphie, I'll give you a walk later but right now I'm tired." She stated looking down at the young pup.

He immediately sat up as if he understood what she had said and jumped off the bed in rejection. He looked at her once more before softly padding off in the direction of the living room in search of an area to sulk.

Maya shook her head before lying back on the bed and staring up at the ceiling where a spider was idly hanging waiting for its next meal. Maya gazed at it momentarily before reaching for her phone to see no new messages only a text from her grandmother telling her not to come in today.

Biting her lip, she thought of the man she had met yesterday - King and wondered if he had deleted her number or was a man of his word and would text her.

He was the first guy she had given her new phone number and she was starting to feel foolish for even entertaining the thought that he was serious about wanting to get to know her. Though that didn't stop a small part of her from wishing her phone would light up with a text from him.

Maya groaned, throwing her phone across the bed as she flung her arm across her eyes as it to shield them from the harmful rays of the morning's bright sun that was slowly beginning to rise. She knew she had to get up soon to get up to go to campus but for now, she was going to rest and maybe dream of the man she had met yesterday wondering what he was doing now.


King stroked his chin, his eyes scanning his workers who shifted uncomfortably under his intense glare.

"So what you mean to tell me is that someone is dealing on my block but you don't know who it is?" He questioned.

They nodded nervously waiting for his reaction, knowing it would not be a pleasant sight. King was known to be like a ticking time bomb, you never knew he when he would explode.

"Tell me what happened again," King demanded, closing his eyes as he waited for one of them to retell him of what had happened earlier that morning. So they did.

The three workers had noticed that some of their regular customers weren't asking for their usual supply and if they were they were asking for smaller doses. So they had gone to Rick, a known crackhead. He always had his ear to the street and knew everything you could possibly not want him to and it all came at the price for a small bag of the white heaven called cocaine.

He had told them that someone new had been supplying people with the new drug on the street. It was Valerax. It gave people a long-lasting high but lowered your lifespan with every dose you took. 

He sighed, rubbing his temple. King refused to sell it because although he made a living from destroying people's lives he refused to sell something like that because he was still a Christian to a certain extent. King felt a nasty headache coming on and he knew he would lash out on everyone in sight very soon.

He leaned back in his chair, ready for this to be over with, "Find the workers selling on my block and bring them to Warehouse 402. I'll deal with them tomorrow." He commanded. 

They nodded scurrying out of his sight leaving him in his office. He walked over to the door to see everyone had stopped working.

"GET BACK TO WORK!" He shouted. Everyone stopped trying to listen in on his conversation and immediately got back to work.

Being a Kingpin wasn't easy because although King would rather be loved he knew he had to be somewhat feared because in this game if the sharks smelt blood they would attack. King had your typical hood story though he didn't see it that way. He went from selling weed at his locker in high school to becoming a notorious drug dealer in the hall of fame in New York's greatest with connections all over North and South America. All within a decade.

Though the role came with a lot of downsides King couldn't say that it hadn't changed him for the better. He knew who was loyal and who wasn't simply because they no longer walked with the living.

His iPhone began to vibrate on his desk. Seizing it, he slid the answer icon across the screen not caring to look at who it was.

"Speak." He barked into the speaker. His temper was short today and he had no patience for anyone.

"Omari King Daves, I know your ass ain't talking to me like that!" The feminine voice snapped at him making him furrow his brows in realisation.

He sighed rubbing his forehead as he made his way back towards his desk, "Sorry Keira it's just been a bad day. What did you need?" He murmured, sitting on the edge of his desk.

"Yo ass betta be sorry, now do you know that little bakery at the bottom of Woodsmen road? I need you to get me some blueberry muffin's from there. Me and baby girl are craving something sweet." His little sister rambled. 

He rolled his eyes.

His sister, Keira had become pregnant at the young age of 19. The same age their mother had been when she had given birth to their older sister. Her baby daddy had been working for King when he had been arrested for drink driving and he wouldn't be let out for another 7 months.

Keira had nowhere to live since she was just fresh out of high school and she wouldn't be able to go to college until she had the baby. Her parents had refused to take her in so King had offered to let her live with him.

He was starting to regret it.

Ever since Keira had become pregnant three months ago her cravings became more demanding each day. In his opinion, they were even worse than her period cravings. She had once sent him to McDonald's on a cold rainy Sunday evening to get her a Mcflurry. He couldn't wait till she had his niece or nephew so the tortuous errands would end.

"It's 7.34 Keira. They'll be closed by the time I get there." He complained.

The bakery was halfway across town, it would take him roughly 20 minutes to get there and find a parking spot where he didn't have many chances of getting mugged.

"Please Omi? I wouldn't ask you if I didn't really need it." He rolled his eyes.

'More like want'. He thought to himself. He knew he would cave in and get her whatever she wanted, after all, she was his younger sister and she had him wrapped around her finger since she had entered the world.

"Fine but you owe me." He heard her squeal in delight before she hung up on him abruptly. He stood up, grabbing his trench coat as he walked towards the door of his office.

'Food Digger," He thought as he locked his door and made his way through the trap and towards the entrance where a bunch of young boys was hanging around smoking. One of them looked up at him, ginning to display his gold grills.

"Wassup King," He cheesed dapping him up as his boys greeted him as well before returning back to chatting.

King, dug in his pockets, throwing him a set of keys, "Colby, make sure you count the money in the safe and check the camera's before you leave." He nodded towards his worker, watching as Colby nodded, showing his grills.

"You can count on me King," He mock saluted before going towards King's office.


He knew he had to hurry, or else his sister would have his head on a platter...



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