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'Big drip, what you call it? (big drip, yeah)

Ice chain, pure water (ice, ice, ice)

You got the cash, but can't afford 'em (cash, no)

You got the bag but can't afford 'em'



 ⚠ W A R N I N G   G R A P H I C  ⚠ 

It was a dark and gloomy room. The only light source was a luminous yellow bulb that swung above whenever someone above walked past above them. The walls were stained grey and sound-proof leaving the captives screams futile to their torturer. 

Three men were strapped to chairs, their legs and arms were bound to the hard chair by wires that cut into their skin worse than the chair itself. Whenever one of them would move, they could feel the hard wires cutting into their skin - leaving sore wounds in their wake.

The black steel door swung open heavily, it's joints groaning as the the sound of shoes echoed against the cold murky tiles. Three men had entered the room all dressed head to toe in black their faces clothed behind a veil of black. The first man was taller than the other two, his bandanna covering his mouth as he tugged his hat lower. His eyes looking over the three men bound to the chairs.

The other two men sank into the shadows of the room as their eyes were watching curiously when their leader began to interrogate.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" He questioned kneeling before the three men. They said nothing and only stared at their feet that were covered in dirt and blood.

He stood up in front of the shivering men. His cold eyes glaring over every one of them as if he wanted to remember their faces. His voice rang out into the room, sending a shiver of fear up the spines of the men, their faces portraying the fear they felt.

"You answer when spoken to. Do you understand?" He commanded sharply in a booming voice. They nodded their heads slowly, fear evident in their eyes.

"Who's your leader?" He questioned. He nodded his head towards the two men by the door. They both walked around the room silently towards a worn table near the back, arranged carefully with torture weapons that would be the demise of the three men.

"We ain't snitching!" The one in the middle proclaimed, his voice wavering slightly. He didn't dare meet the man's unwavering gaze; instead focusing on the flickering light as it stretched his captors face and contorted his eyes so that his eyes gleamed evilly.

The man chuckled nodding his head to the two other captives, "Speak for yourself. These two look ready to burst." He remarked.

"He-he's right we ain't snitches." The man chuckled even louder at this, nodding to his accomplices, he watched as the two men from behind him stood next to their boss, a torture weapon being weld in each of their clothed hands. 

One of the men came forward and handed him a small plastic bottle of clear liquid. Waving it about in his gloved hand he raised a brow. The chemical bubbled slightly at the small movement but resumed it's still motion as small bubbles filled it's contents.

"Do you know what this is?" He smirked, although it was hard to tell due to his mask disguising his smile. Silence greeted his question, making his smile widen behind his mask.

"This is Sulphuric acid. Just a single drop on your skin and it will burn your flesh away." He explained, gently removing the lid as a faint fizz was heard.

"Now who wants to answer my question. Why were you selling on my block?" The two men whimpered in fear, shrinking into their seats, snot ran down their faces as their eyes turned red.

"Kill these two." He commanded. Shots rang out as they screamed in agony, their bodies slumping in their seats as the life slowly drained out of their eyes.

"And then there was one. I'm hoping you'll be a little more cooperative than your 'friends'." He looked down at the remaining man. His face was rough, it looked as if he had been dragged through hell and back.

He gazed up at his captive,"Like I said I ain't no snitch." He stated, his voice strong and confident though he was anything but. The man gazed into his eyes, seeing the determination in his eyes - too bad it would be put to waste.

"You may as well kill me now, I would rather have a quick death." He spat.

"But what's the fun in that?" The man questioned in a patronising tone. Unscrewing the bottle, he poured it over the man's left arm - watching as he gritted his teeth to stop him from screaming out in pain.

Pulling out a gun from his pocket, he pressed it against his temple, the cold metal soothing his burning skin.

"Any last words?" He smiled patronisingly.

The man smiled up at his captor, through red eyes, knowing he would never betray his leader.

"There's a rat in your house earning cheese."



It was 3.28 when King had finally got home and changed out of his bloody attire. The man's words had caused his head to throb as he thought of what he had said.

"There's a rat in your house earning cheese."

It meant there was someone who was working for him that wasn't who they were pretending to be. But who? The men had all been branded with a tattoo of a lion on each of their necks. It was a sign Omari hadn't come across until today. This gang was unknown and that wasn't a good thing. 

It was obvious someone was after him and they weren't being discreet about it either. Or maybe that was his paranoia talking. Everyday he went out with a target on his back that only seemed to get bigger every time he stepped out of his door. He ran a tired hand down his face - blinking into the darkness of his room.

He slipped into his cold bed picking up his phone he pressed Mayalika's contact.

R u up?

He waited for five minutes until he realised it was stupid that he thought she would be up at this time. He went to put his phone back when it buzzed. He smiled, unlocking his phone.

Yeah. Can't sleep too?

Something like that. How was your day?

Very eventful

Can I call you?

Sure. One second... 

King chuckled, shifting in his bed so that his back was pressed against the headboard before he called Maya. He smiled when he saw her tired face appear on his phone, a small smile spreading across her luscious lips. King tugged his beard, a smirk playing on his face.

"Hello?" She whispered, snuggling down into her pillows as she buried half of her face. King couldn't help but chuckle softly at her.

"Hi," King smiled, putting his arm behind his head, "You were saying your day was eventful..."King probed. 

Maya tapped her chin as if she was remembering before she smiled, "Oh yeah, so I was walking out of school..." 



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