T H I R T Y - F I V E

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'You look so dumb right now

Standin' outside my house

Tryin' to apologize

You're so ugly when you cry'



It consumed Mayalika it's great waves - racking her body with loud sobs. She didn't know whether to blame her hormones or the overwhelming feeling of betrayal. Ralph covered his head with his paws; stretched along the backseat emitting low whines.

Mayalika quickly wiped her tears, glancing up into the rearview mirror, catching sight of a blue car trailing behind her. She knew it wasn't Omari, all his cars were luxurious or expensive, unlike the beaten-down Beetle that was trying to look inconspicuous.

Maya took a deep breath. She turned left, taking a long route towards the bakery; sighing in relief when she watched the Beetle drive past on the main road.

Although the car had left her alone, she still couldn't help the feeling of being watched that shook her.


Mayalika hurriedly shut her car door; going to the backseat to hurriedly get Ralph out. She didn't want to be out here anymore than she needed to be what with the mere prospect that someone may have been following her.

Maya yearned to grab her phone and call Omari - King yet the fact that he was probably behind this maybe one of his enemies deterred Mayalika from doing so. Instead, she grabbed Ralph's leash, dragging his towards her Grandmother's bakery.

If anyone did try to kidnap Mayalika, she would already be prepared. Her grandfather had made sure she and her siblings were trained to protect themselves. To this day Maya always carried a switchblade in her bra and a small handgun in her purse.

The familiar tinkle of the bell rang when Mayalika stepped into the bakery - the lunchtime rush in full swing.

"Excuse me, ma'am. If that isn't a help dog your gonna have to take it outside." A voice sharply commented. Maya pursed her lips, quirking a brow as she turned to stare at the owner of the voice.

She was a fairly beautiful girl with short brown hair and large bow-shaped lips that complimented her big doe brown eyes. She stood in front of Maya, holding a tray that was loaded with various drinks. She must've been new because Mayalika hadn't seen her around before.

"I'm Abba's grandaughter, Mayalika. Is she here?" Maya inquired politely.

The girls' eyes widened in shock, "Your Mayalika? Umm...no she isn't here today she said she was taking the day off." The girl answered.


"Is Jayda here then? She must know where my grandmother is..."

The girl shook her head, "Jayda hasn't shown up in weeks. Listen, if you want to find Abba she'll probably be at home," The girl beamed reassuringly before rushing off to go deliver the drinks.

Maya let out a shaky breath, anxious to go back outside.

"Well Ralph, I guess we're going to Abba's," She smiled wearily.


Maya rubbed soothing circles on her stomach, leaning against the railing of her grandmother's porch while she scanned her surroundings. Although her grandma's neighbourhood was relatively safe; she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that consumed her.

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