T H I R T Y - N I N E

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'That I should have bought you flowers

And held your hand

Should have gave you all my hours

When I had the chance'



Abba stroked Maya's cold hand before turning to look up at the doctor who had finished taking her vitals and was preparing to leave the room.

"How long until she wakes up. You said two weeks and well it's nearly been three." Abba voiced, looking towards the doctor. The doctor stopped readjusting Maya's around her nose and turned to look at the troubled woman.

"Her brain isn't responding as we thought it would," The doctor explained.

Abba frowned, clenching Maya's hand tighter as she looked up at the doctor, "What do you mean?" She whispered. The doctor picked up the checkboard by the end of Maya's bed and read over it.

"Her brain seems to be going through trauma and due to the stress of it her brain is not responding. It seems as if she's put herself in a coma like state that we can only monitor and so far things aren't looking so good...for her or the baby." The doctor explained.

Abba felt her heart plummet at the new the doctor had given her. Her hands shook as she felt tears brim in her eyes.

"I-I don't get it..." She whispered to herself.

The doctor sighed, "I understand ma'am but for now we have to make sure we can reduce ad much of her stress as possible because the baby has a high chance of survival." He reassured her.

Abba furrowed her brows, "What about my grand-daughter?" She questioned.

The doctor fell silent.

Abba felt tears slid down her face as she felt her resolve crumble before the doctor who shifted uncomfortably at the sight of the older woman cry in front of him. Though she wasn't the first in his career and certainly wouldn't' be the last.

"I'll send in a midwife to check on the baby." He stated before rushing out of the room without another word.

Leaving a crying Abba in his wake.


Omari pushed the glass white door to be greeted with the familiar sound of beeping and the pungent smell of bleach that could only be found in a hospital. The sight that greeted Omari made him smile. Abba had curled up on the couch her hand hung over the armrest as her mouth hung open, her cheeks were flushed as though she had been crying. Omari frowned.

Maya laid in her usual position on the centre of the hospital bed, wires attached to her like the vines of poison ivy - sucking the radiant glow out of her skin. Her middle was swollen as visible beneath the thin covers of the hospital blanket.

Omari walked over to her, placing a gentle hand on her stomach smiling when he felt a kick. Something he wished he could share with her. Only then did he notice he wasn't alone. A woman in scrubs was staring at him with a smile on her face as she inched towards the door.

"Sorry - I didn't mean to intrude I was only checking on the baby." She smiled sheepishly. Omari nodded absent-mindedly to her; not paying any mind as he slipped into the hard plastic chair near her bed. He felt her move towards him - making him stiffen up.

"Weren't you leaving?" He questioned. She flinched at the harshness of his tone. He sighed, rubbing his temple as he turned to look up at her shocked face.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap it's just-"

"Bad day," She finished chuckling sadly to herself, "No I completely get it." She rubbed her wrist anxiously, looking at his sympathetically.

"Do you want to sit down?" He asked.

She smiled, taking a seat beside him. They both watched Mayalika as her chest rose every time air was pushed into her lungs.

"__________" Omari didn't look at her he kept his eyes trained on Maya but he felt that she was looking at him now.

"We had an argument and someone hit her off the road and now..." Omari trailed off, his jaw clenched as he turned to look down at his timberlands.

"Rita." She stated. Omari looked up at her in confusion.

She smiled simply, "My names Rita." She finished, holding out her hand. Omari took her gentle one in his, their hands fitting perfectly together as they looked at each other.


She smiled opening her mouth to speak but a curt knock sounded at the door making both their heads turn to see a figure dart off. Omari jumped up moving towards the door in an instant and ripping it open just to see the figure turn around the corner.

Near his feet was a small envelope that he picked up and walked back into the room.

"Who was it?" Rita asked standing up too.

"No-one." Omari stated gruffly.

Rita's brows furrowed as she nodded silently, "I guess I'll go. My shift isn't over but before it is I'll come by here again." She promised and with that she left shutting the door behind her silently as she left.

Omari ripped open the letter unknowingly moving his last piece on this board of chess.




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