T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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'Probably true what they say about me

Probably came from my inner circle

It usually come from your inner circle'


Omari smiled politely at the overly friendly waiter as she placed his food in front of him. Quincy raised a brow, smirking as he stared at his food.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

They both waited until she had moved onto another table out of earshot. IHOP was empty since it was only six. Quincy had called Omari saying that he had found new information about Mayalika's crash.

"So what did you find?" Omari inquired.

Quincy coughed, setting down his fork. He reached into his pocket - pulling out a small envelope that he slid across the table towards Omari.

He picked up the envelope, tearing it open, pictures spilled out onto the table. It was pictures of a small blue beetle that looked beaten down.

"My boy Rico said that car had been sold 3 weeks ago to a woman," Quincy explained.

"Did he specify who?" Omari asked.

Quincy shook his head. Another dead end. Omari ran a hand over his waves, tugging at his beard. He was in desperate need of a shave but that would have to wait amongst other things.

It had been a week. A week since Mayalika had been in a coma. The doctors were optimistic; informing Omari that every day she was getting better - but not enough to wake up.

"Have they finished analysing Maya's yet?" He inquired.

Quincy nodded taking another bite from his stack of pancakes, "Um yeah they said everything looked fine though Maya's breaks had been tampered with." He spoke.

That caught Omari's attention.


"Yeah they were frayed," Quincy said, "Whoever it was they sure wanted to scare her, but not fully cut off the breaks just...use it for leverage." He spoke to himself.

Omari furrowed his brows at this new piece of information. He slipped out of the booth, slipping four neat notes on the table.

"We're going to the garage." He stated.

Quincy's eyes widened, "Damn! What about my food?" He cried out.

"Leave it."


Abba frowned, stroking the soft skin of Mayalika's forehead. She looked angelic - as if she was at peace with the world and all of it's inhabitants.

Omari had called her an hour ago asking if she could sit with Mayalika while he went out to tend to business. She was glad he had called - ever since the doctor's had said they were allowed to visit Maya he had stuck by her side mumbling to himself.

A soft knock sounded at the door, startling her.

"Come in."

Vanessa slipped into the room hesitantly, clutching a vase of sunflower's close to her chest as she gazed around the barren hospital room.

Abba's eyes widened in shock as she watched her daughter in law place a vase of sunflowers on her daughter's bedside table. She was the first of Maya's parents to make an appearance since she had been admitted into the hospital.

Her son had only made a brief call - only asking if there were any costs to cover. Abba could only express her disappointment in him as she yelled down the phone at him.

"How is she?" Vanessa inquired.

Abba watched her take a seat by Maya, her eyes fixated on her swollen stomach.

"She's stable," Abba stated.

Vanessa looked up at the ceiling momentarily before staring directly at Abba.

"I know you hate me." She spoke.

Abba chuckle, "I don't hate you." She said. Vanessa's eyes widened in shock.

"You don't?" She asked in disbelief.

Abba shook her head, "No honey, I don't hate you. I despise you." She stated.

Vanessa furrowed her brows in shock and anger.

"Excuse me?" She gasped.

Abba rolled her eyes, "Oh don't act like that, the first time you met me you asked if I was the help." She responded.

"And I apologised." Vanessa sighed.

"You still said it and first impressions go a long way." Abba quoted.

They both sat in silence staring at Mayalika. Beneath the surface she looked pale, her vein's visible on her arms as the tubes around her pumped nutrients into her body.

"I used to think my son was too good for you," Abba stated.

Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"But now I think I got it wrong. Your too good for him," She added. Vanessa stayed silent staring at her daughter's face.

"What changed?" Vanessa whispered.

"You," Abba stated.

They both looked at each other; unspoken words were said between them as they looked into each other's eyes. Abba smiled slightly, grabbing her hand as Vanessa grabbed Mayalika's in the other. They sat in content for a few hours the only sound filling the room being the heart monitor.


Rico wiped car oil from his forehead, only appearing to smear it more as he stared at the two men before him.

"I told you all I know." He replied. Quincy looked to Omari who seemed to be gazing at Rico intently.

"Try again," Omari said gruffly. He pushed the photo into Rico's hand, crossing his own.

"Now look again. Who did you sell this car to?" He spat.

Rico sighed rubbing his arm, "A woman, she had long blonde hair. A funny color. She had green eyes too." He stated, "I swear that's all I know."

Quincy placed his hand on Omari's shoulder; catching his attention.

"I think we better go." He mumbled, "It's another dead end."

Omari sighed nodding and they both made their way to the entrance of the garage before Rico called out to them.

"She had a tattoo of an eagle in her forearm." He recalled.

Both men looked at each other thinking the same thing.

Omari smirked, "Call up the boys at Warehouse 200. Tell them to get it ready."



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