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'Now everybody ask me why I'm smiling out from ear to ear

(They say love hurts)

But I know (it's gonna take the real work)

Nothing's perfect but it's worth it

After fighting through my tears and finally you put me first'



The sun beamed down on Maya as she exited her last of the day. Adjusting the leather strap of her brown satchel; Maya fished her buzzing phone out of the pocket of her summer dress. She rolled her eyes playfully when Sadie's name popped up on her screen. She had skipped college that day to tend to a sick Jordan since his father had been busy. 

Maya slid the answer icon across the screen watching a dazed-looking Jordan appear on her phone. His chubby cheeks were flushed and his eyes were rimmed red as if he had been crying. His nose was red and stuffy as he sniffled slightly.

"Mymy" He exclaimed glumly as he wiped at his nose with his sleeve. Maya resisted the urge to awe as she watched his eyes droop when he forced himself to stay awake to speak to her.

"My baby! Is your mummy there?" Maya questioned. 

Jordan nodded, attempting to show her his mother however instead he showed her his shoe. Maya giggled walking out onto the campus in search of Sadie's small, black car. Sadie had given her a ride towards college and had promised to drop her off at her grandmothers' bakery.

Maya heard Sadie say to Jordan, "Jordan. Tell Mymy that I've just parked up!". Maya grinned, listening as Jordan somewhat echoed what his mother had told him.

She walked down towards the car park, still on call with Jordan. He was singing to Beyoncé. Maya could feel the sun beating down on her. Finally, she saw the car, sighing in relief Maya quickly walked towards the car - sliding into the backseat. The leather was cool against her hot skin.

"Sup babes!" Sadie greeted. Jordan mumbled a similar greeting before going back to singing.

Mayalika chuckled before replying, "Ayye girl!"

On the radio, the song: Snack by Ms. Banks began to play. Sadie and Mayalika looked at each other before they began to sing along.


"BYE SADIE!" Maya called.

She watched Sadie pull out into the street before speeding off while Jordan stuck his tiny hand out of the window as he waved goodbye. Maya opened the door to the bakery - the scent of food invading her nostrils.

Maya examined the café until she saw Jayda cleaning down a booth, smirking Maya made her way towards her. Since the incident at the shop, Abba had removed her from behind the counter and made her in charge of cleaning up - she also had to lock up the store for a month. Although upset, Jayda had no one to blame but her messy love life and herself.

"JAYDA!" Maya shouted, laughing as Jayda jumped in shock. A few customers glanced wearily in their direction before resuming their conversations.

Jayda pulled out her earphones, scowling at Mayalika, "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Jayda heaved as she dramatically clutched her chest, "When did you arrive?" she inquired.

"Just now." Maya was about to slip into the booth until Jayda stopped her.

"What?" Maya challenged.

"Some girl just threw up there." Jayda chuckled watching while Mayalika grimaced at the seat in revulsion. Maya instead stood idly observing as Jayda cleaned the booth.

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