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'I've been down so long it look like up to me

They look up to me

I got fake people showin' fake love to me

Straight up to my face, straight up to my face'



"Don't Leave!" Maya protested.

She jutted out her bottom lip in a pout and pulled Omari back by his belt loops to where she was perched on the counter top - wrapping her arms around his neck. Omari smiled softly as he showered her face with gentle kisses.

Since they had woken up, Maya had been adamant that Omari didn't leave but instead stayed and babied her for the day. Although Omari wasn't opposed to the idea he had things he had to sort out that he couldn't do from the comfort of her apartment.

He leaned down so that their foreheads were pressed together, gazing into her brown orbs as she gazed into his. He quickly pressed his lips to hers revelling in how soft they were. His hands gingerly rubbed her voluptuous hips - fighting the urge to throw her over his shoulder and take her back to the bedroom like a caveman.

"Come on Maya, I'll text you later." He assured her, "Plus I'll watch The Lion King on Disney Plus with you tonight." He added noting the glint in her eye.

It seemed as though since yesterday, the roles were now reversed and it was Maya pleading with Omari to stay instead of the other way around. For some reason it made him smile. Though it was probably the after effects of their sexual encounter in the shower.

Maya bit her lip, running a hand through her damp hair, "Well I do have to study..." She trailed off. Omari hummed leaning back as he stared at her with amusement. They gently swayed together - no words passing between them as they enjoyed the moment. Maya exhaled, pulling her hands away from his waist as she kissed him on the lips softly. Omari groaned pulling back. If he didn't leave now he wouldn't be leaving till the next day.

"I'll text you." He promised, finally pulling away as he caressed her thigh softly before grabbing his keys that were lying next to her.

Maya nodded, rubbing the back of her neck as she watched him walk out into the hallway. Ralph trailed after him, barking a farewell until the sound of the door shutting softly filled her ears. Jumping off the counter, Maya pulled down the T-shirt she wore and left the kitchen.

Mayalika groaned in frustration. She had no classes today and the exam she was had to write wasn't due for another few days plus the bakery was closed due to her Grandma being in Manhattan for the day visiting her older brother. She couldn't call Sadie because was too sick to leave her apartment so Maya was completely alone.

Maya rolled her eyes before casting down towards the idle pup. As if sensing her, Ralph looked up at his owner with the same bored expression. Glancing at the leash on the counter she turned to look back at the boxer.

"Are you up for a morning jog?" She inquired glancing at the leash on the counter.


King pulled up to a red light, glancing down at his phone that had buzzed for the second time. He grumbled under his breath, snatching it up and sliding across the answer icon. He knew it wasn't Maya or Keira since they both had their own personalised ringtones set into his phone. Maya had made sure of it.

"Speak." He commanded. z

"Damn bruh you get a girl and decide to switch on me? I guess eleven years of friendship means nothing." Quincy complained through the phone.

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