T W E N T Y - T W O

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'Trips that you plan for the next whole week

Bands too long for a nigga so cheap

And your flex OD, and your sex OD'



Pushing open the door leading to Maya's apartment; Abba (to her surprise) was greeted by the sound of laughter. Furrowing her brows: she locked the door and followed the sound of laughter - only to be lead to the kitchen. 

Abba was greeted with the sight of her granddaughter perched on the countertop in only a large T-shirt with King comfortably residing between her exposed thighs - their mouths entangled in a heated hiss.

She coughed, startling the couple who frantically jumped apart. Omari shielded Maya's form with his back as he stared at Abba - a smirk on her face as she venture further into the room. Maya buried her head in the crook of King's neck  in embarrassment - heat spreading across her face as she avoided Abba's amused eyes. across her body. 

"Already had breakfast?" Abba questioned. Mayalika shook her head before King leaned down, whispering something in her ear that caused her to gasp in shock.

"N-no granny. WE haven't." She glared pointedly at King. King shuffled away slightly; letting Mayalika jump down. Abba walked over to the couple, placing the brown bag that contained goods onto the table.

Ralph barked at the smell of the food, rubbing himself upon Abba as he gazed longingly at the bag.

"Did you feed him this morning?" Abba inquired.

Maya shook her head - walking over to the cupboard that contained to mutts food. Ralph's ears perked up as he trotted towards his bowl. Dutifully waiting for his food. Maya rolled her eyes playfully before refilling his water bowl and his along with his food.

"Just went to check in on the bakery since It's not gonna be open for a week." Abba slipped into one of the seats. Maya joined her, placing herself on Kings lap.

"Why not?" Maya sought.

Abba smiled cheekily, "Want a cinnamon roll?" She pushed the bag towards them. King gladly accepted, grabbing the delicious good and taking large bites.

Maya shook her head slightly, "Granny!" she narrowed her eyes. Although old, Abba was extremely sly - it was a reason Maya's mother disliked her, because she saw through all the expensive makeup and saw her for who she truly was.

"We're going on a vacation!" Abba exclaimed, grinning. 

She had timed it perfectly, with Maya being off college due to the holidays - Maya had no option but to come; unless she wanted to face the wrath of Abba. Ralph lifted his head up from his bowl momentarily - contemplating on whether he should join his owner or eat his food. He returned to his food.

"I suggest you start packing. We leave tonight." Abba commanded. Mayalika pouted, getting off of King's lap as she made her way towards her bedroom - casting suspicious glances towards Abba who ignored her.

As soon as her door shut, Abba let out a silent sigh.

"Thank goodness she left. I thought she never would!" Abba chuckled to herself before directing her attention to King.

"I can help you out." Abba stated, "I managed to call up Rico. He used to be my husband's supplier back in Manhattan. He can give you anything from pills to much more heavier drugs - nothing laced unless your into that." Abba rambled.

"Hold up!" King questioned. He leaned his elbows on the table; a smile spreading across his face. He gazed intently at the old, petite woman who sat across from him who so strongly resembled his girlfriend.

"You." He pointed at her, "Want to help me!" He chuckled softly, rubbing his chin where stubble was growing now.

"Yes. I see a lot of my late husband in you." She stated analysing him with her piercing brown eyes. King shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wishing Mayalika was there to be with him.

"You have the potential, King. To become the biggest King pin in this city. All you need is the right guidance and all I'm doing is giving you the right necessities to help you make it." She smiled warmly. King's gut told him that Abba had good intention yet he knew he didn't get this far by trusting his gut.

"What's in this for you?" He inquired.

Abba shrugged, "A legacy. Knowing someone is taking over my husband's position - and I'd rather it be you." she gestured to him.

"Aight, I'm finna take your word on this but I've got my eye on you." He narrowed his eyes playfully. Abba chuckled before standing up.

"I'm glad, now I'm gonna go home and pack!" Abba leaned down to give Omari a quick hug before making her way towards the apartment door, Ralph on her heels. She glanced down at the pup, scratching behind his ears. Ralph opened his mouth - letting out a bark before going towards King, placing his wet nose on his lap.

"Oh! And don't let Mayalika know where we're going. It's a surprise." Abba grinned, a gleam in her eyes. She left the apartment quietly, shutting the door and locking it with her key from the outside. Just as Abba left, Mayalika came out of her room.

"Where's Granny?" She questioned, a frown on her face.

Omari shrugged, pulling her onto his lap making Ralph frown and disappear in search of his bed. He placed gentle pecks on her collar bone, inhaling her flowery aroma. Maya smiled, running her hands over his waves.

"She left," He whispered. His hands wrapped around her thighs; hoisting her up so she had no other choice but to wrap her legs around his waist. Maya gasped - her hands encircling his neck. They both gazed into each other's eyes - love and trust radiating in both.

"Now...where were we?" Omari mumbled. He glanced down at her plump lips, pecking them softly before he began to make his way towards the bedroom with intentions of making Mayalika call out his name.



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