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'It could've been right but I was wrong

Only think 'bout you when I'm alone

Part of me that cared just know it's gone

And I know, that I can't, get caught up'



Stepping back out into the café his eyes found Maya in an instant. She passed a customer their order - her friendly smile lighting up her face as she waved off the customer. She opened the till and began to place the money inside. 

As if feeling his stare, Maya glanced up meeting his intense gaze. She smiled slightly, pulling off her apron and hanging it on the hook where her purse hung. She grabbed it - talking briefly to Jayda before making her way towards him.

"Ready to go?" Omari inquired. He took her bag from her and clasping her hand - walking towards the entrance.

"Did you drive here?" He asked.

Maya shook her head, "Nope Sadie dropped me off." She responded. Maya swung their hands between them as they walked towards his Jeep. He opened the passenger door for her waiting until she slipped inside before shutting the door.

Maya quickly plugged in her phone as he walked around the car towards his door. She smiled sweetly at him as he slid into the car. He glanced down at her phone - spotting the black cord attached to his dash board.

"Do you always have to control it?" He inquired. Maya hummed in response, grasping his chin so she could place a gentle peck on his lips. He smiled into the kiss.

King started his car , pulling out of the car park as the melodic voice of H.E.R filled the car on their journey towards his house.

Maya serenaded Omari; tugging on his beard and pulling him in for quick kisses whenever they pulled up to a traffic light. Omari fought the urge to pull the car over and instead settled for planting his hand on her inner thigh where it caressed the clothed skin. 

Omari spotted the drive-thru of McDonald's and pulled in - noting the way Maya's eyes brightened at the bright yellow 'm'. 

"Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" The girl, whose name tag read Becky, inquired.

Her eyes glanced over the two, lingering slightly on Mayalika.

"Can I get a Big Mac with large fries and a sprite." Omari ordered, Becky nodded as she tapped in his order.

She glanced towards Maya, biting her lip slightly, "And for you Miss?" She queried.

Maya raised her brow at the gesture all while Omari hung his head in an attempt not to burst out laughing.

"I'll have a cheeseburger." Maya decided. 

Becky nodded, leaning slightly over the window so that her breasts were in Maya's vision. Maya avoided her fixated eyes as Becky printed out their receipt and asked for the money. She watched silently when Omari passed her the amount before driving to the next window.

"Damn that bitch was staring hard." Maya mumbled under her breath. Omari didn't respond - he fell into loud laughter as fat tears ran down his face. Maya scowled at him just as Becky appeared with their food.

"Here's your order. Have a nice day!" She announced, smiling sweetly in Maya's direction.

"Drive." Maya hissed. 

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