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'Laid up, got me thinkin', babe

Tell me if you with it 'cause I'm with it, babe

I haven't heard from you in a minute, babe'



King took a drag from his blunt, exhaling from the side of his mouth as he took another swig of bourbon from his glass. It was Friday and King was currently trying to distract himself from his problems by becoming high.

The cops' interest in him had suddenly piqued as they had begun to circle his traps in the daytime leaving King no other option but to lay low. Which was why he was investing so much of his time at his new club: 'Passion' that would be opening next week.

That's the reason why he was at this club smoking after he had just negotiated a deal with one of his suppliers about his next shipment. The club (like many of his over investments) was a cover-up so that he could filter his drug money in a way that wouldn't look too suspicious. Though he didn't take it too seriously now, King could see himself opening more clubs and making it a chain when he retired from the game. 

Though that wasn't what was on his mind right now.

Colby who was one of his runners had been arrested. He'd had drugs on him at the time he and his boys were arrested. King's drugs. Colby wasn't the only one though, a dozen of his workers had been arrested by the police who were promising them lesser jail time for information on him. He still had to interrogate the men his workers had found yesterday though right now that was the last thing on his mind.

He signalled one of the women towards him taking another glass filled with the dark liquid. Throwing back the drink he ignored the burning sensation as it made its way down his throat. He continued gazing blankly at the vacant dance floor that would soon be filled next week. That's if they even opened.

Quincy, King's best friend since high school, glanced in his direction again. He patted the naked woman on his lap as if signalling her to get up which she did. Quincy nudged their other best friend Donavan who was busy doing lines with two broads on either side of him.

Donavan paused on his second line, he glanced up at Quincy, shooting daggers at him as he finished off the line; wiping off his nose as his pupils dilated under the dim club lights. Quincy nodded towards King who was leaning against the balcony that separated VIP from the rest of the club

Sighing, Donavan finished his last line, unrolling the crinkled $100 and slipping it down one of the girls' bra's before he made his way towards a brooding King. He clapped King on the back; ignoring the way he flinched at the contact.

"You good bro?" Donavan asked, "You've been standing here for 30 minutes." He added, looking out towards the empty dance floor. King nodded, the hazy look in his eyes clearing as he took a pull from his blunt exhaling a thick veil of smoke. His eyes still not meeting Donavan's.

"Yeah, honestly I just want this club's launch to go smoothly." He stated, running a hand over his waves a deep line appeared on his forehead.

"I know, I'm just as annoyed as you are but I'm still trying to relax." Quincy attempted to relate as he joined the two by the railing.

"Fucking hoes isn't a way to relax," Donavan observed, he narrowed his eyes at Quincy over King's brooding figure.

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