T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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'We can do anything if we put our minds to it

Take your whole life then you put a line through it

My love is yours if you're willing to take it

Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it'


"I hope you two come to visit soon!" Janet smiled fondly, hugging her son and his girlfriend before returning into the embrace of her husband who grinned at his son knowingly.

Mayalika's seemingly permanent glow radiated as soon as she had walked into their house and he knew his son had something do with it. Mayalika nodded, filling the couple with hopeless promises before she grabbed Omari's hand - bidding the couple farewell one last time before walking into the bitter weather that early Autumn brought, their hands tightly clasped.

It was slowly edging closer to their anniversary, 18th of October the day the couple had first decided to take a leap of faith and plunge into their relationship. Maya unconsciously gripping Omari's hand as they walked towards his brand new car that he had purchased the week before. He glanced down at her, her chocolate brown eyes hard as they gazed forwards, a mist coating them from view.

"Wanna go to the mall?" Omari wiggled his brows.


Mayalika pulled back the red curtain, revealing the new set of lingerie that adorned her figure. Omari tucked his lower lip between his teeth as he eyed the beautiful goddess that stood before him. The lingerie doing little justice to the coke bottle figure Mayalika was graced with.

He motioned her towards him, sinking further into the plush leather seat that adorned the impeccable dressing room. Maya smiled, sauntering towards Omari with a sense of confidence - straddling his awoken third leg that sat right under her entrance.

Omari tucked a strand of her kinky hair that had escaped from Mayalika's bun, behind her ear, gently nipping at the lobe. Maya moaned silently, pushing her chest further into his so that the cold air no longer teased her erect nipples. His covered chest soothing the desire and want that pooled between her legs.

"Move it to the side." Omari motioned, his fingers brushing over her hipbone as he stared into her eyes.

Mayalika promptly nodded shifting the makeshift thong to the side so that Omari's finger gently slipped inside of her. Her mouth formed an 'O' as she let out a silent scream. He shook his head as if pleading her to be silent before he coaxed her to an orgasm. Mayalika riding out her wave as she silently thanked God that she wasn't a loud screamer...


Omari buckled back up his pants while Mayalika silently shimmied back into her jeans. They had fucked for three rounds in the dressing room; claiming multiple orgasms that they rode out together. Almost getting caught when Maya had accidentally moaned loudly and a shop assistant had come to check 'if everything was alright'.

"Never again," Mayalika grumbled.

Omari shook his head before leading them out of the confinement of the room and back out onto the open floor where an elderly lady looked at them knowingly.

Maya hurriedly paid for her items before rushing out of the shop with a smug Omari in toe. He gently grabbed Mayalika by her waist, tugging her so that she fell into his embrace, her brown eyes staring up at him in curiosity.

"I need to go." He stated, checking his iPhone. Although Maya understood that he had his grind as did she - they had barely spent any time with each other this past week and it felt to her that they were reverting into the early stages of their relationship when Omari would disappear for a long time then randomly appear after nearly a month of not speaking.

"Oh...alright. I'll go to your house and get started on dinner."

Omari beamed humming against her lips when he drew her in for a slow passionate kiss. He pulled out a wad of neatly piled cash wrapped in a band, thrusting into Mayalika's hands.

"Don't protest Maya, just take it." He ordered when he saw her brows knit in frustration. She huffed before nodding, pecking him one last time before watching him turn and disappear into the crowd.

Maya's thought's drifted off to buying some new jeans since the ones she was currently were sitting a little tight around her ass when her stomach rumbled. Though, it could wait until she hit up the food court.


Maya munched happily on her sandwich as she strolled the aisles of the pharmacy, looking for an ointment that would supposedly help Mayalika decrease the number of stretch marks that were developing on her thighs when she bumped into a harried-looking Quinn who was holding a balling Reign.

Quinn glanced at Mayalika smiling wearily while she shushed the sobbing toddler. Mayalika's heart lurched at the sight or Reign's red nose and quivering lip.

"Sorry, I'm just everywhere...Reign fell sick and I don't know how to calm her," Mayalika only then truly noticed the bags that had formed around Quinn's eyes and the frown lines that had started to appear.

'Damn she looks a mess', she thought.

Maya smiled sympathetically before looking towards the sniffling toddler, "If you want I can show you a few things that could help you," She offered a hesitant looking Quinn. However, at this point, Quinn was desperate for Reign to stop crying and would take anything. She nodded following Mayalika like a lost puppy as she led her down an aisle - pointing out a few products she thought may help with Reign and her developing cold.

"Thank you so much Mayalika," Quinn smiled dubiously, "You know I thought with Reign being King's daughter you may treat me harsh but thank you." Quinn beamed softly before turning away leaving the aisle along with a star-struck Mayalika, unbeknown to her a pregnancy test was burrowed in her shopping basket.

Or the unopened paternity papers that awaited her on Omari's counter top. 


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HI guys so I wanted to get this Chapter out before my birthday and Christmas so...here's that Chapter. This one I can confirm is far better than the previous chapter I had written. I know there are errors and by all means point them out but they will be fixed by the end of the book.

Anyway, I hope you liked the Chapter since I had been gone for a while - I know it's short but I'd like to think it's more quality rather than quantity.


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