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(A/N: So this is the sequel to 'You Mean 'Captain' Jack Sparrow'. If you have not read the first book, I highly recommende you read it first, as parts of this book will be confusing. For those who have already read the first book, I hope you enjoy this new adventure! Love Bethan x)

I thought I would never be back here, yet here I was. Drink after drink was thrown at me but not by anyone else. I was forcing the drinks down my throat, trying to forget everything, everyone. The past year had been awful for me despite the rare good times. Night after night, I had cried myself to sleep. I had lost the only person that I had ever cared about, the one chance that I could be happy with someone. But someone had taken that away from me.

      The sound of the door bursting open made go everyone silent. I didn't bother to look up knowing that it would be another showoff trying to get attention or even a woman to take home with them. The noise picked up a little as the person walked on, their footsteps still visible to everyone's ears. Yet again, I demanded for another drink, I needed more to pass out. A hand clamped onto my shoulder, turning me around.

"Miss Pearl, it seems that you've let yourself go a little bit." A familiar voice said.

       My eyesight was a little blurry so I had to squint at the person in front of me. I still couldn't make them out.

"Who are you?" My words slurred as I reached out for the fresh drink in front of me.

"It's Mr Gibbs, Scarlett."

       I had to rack my brains to figure out who he was. But then he came back and I suddenly knew him. He was someone I wanted to forget.

"I'm sorry, but I want to forget you. I....I can't have you existing in my memory. You were close to you know who."

      There was no way that I would speak of him ever again. I couldn't bare just thinking about him.

"Come on, we are both leaving." He snatched my rum away and downed the rest of it.

"I'm not going anywhere...w-with you." I jabbed my finger at his chest as I tried to stand up. The problem was, I couldn't."Just give me five minutes." I sighed as I collapsed onto the floor.

         The next time I opened my eyes, I was blinded with an intense, bright light. After adjusting to the bloody light, I tried to sit up. My head started to spin and I could feel the sick rising in my throat. Someone thrusted a bucket towards me just as I vomited. The feeling was awful though I was used to it. I had drank myself away for weeks and this happened mostly every night.

"That's it, lass. Get it all out." I heard Mr Gibbs.

       He helped me to my feet which was when I faltered again. My sea legs had not returned to me yet. The strong smell of salt filled my nostrils and the waves of the sea could be heard all around me. The thought of it all was overwhelming.

"On your agenda today you'll be resting. I'll explain everything later." He stated, acting as if I never abandoned him and everything was normal.

       As he walked away, I felt another load of sick travelling up my throat. The bucket was almost full, making the smell even worse. I decided to throw the sick overboard and head down to the cabins. A good sleep sounded nice.

        Of course, this ship was stolen. It was just a merchants ship which wasn't in very good condition. Most of it was tatty and wear and tear. Not the prettiest of ships but it did it's job. Even though I had plans on demanding on 'where we were going' or 'what I was even dong here', I couldn't be bothered with it. There was no way I would be able to stand as the ship rocked back and forth. My sea legs would come back to me, it would just take time. I had vowed to stay away from ships for the rest of my life but here I was.

       There was a jug of water on the bedside cabinet and an empty cup. I poured myself a drink before sitting down. I closed my eyes for a minute, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. Nothing was working. My hands were shaking, resulting in me dropping the cup. I left it to roll on the floor.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" I heard his voice.

No, this was not happening. I had just gotten rid of these hallucinations.

"Go away." I whispered.

"You're doing this to yourself for no good reason. I was not a good man."

       I looked up and saw him at the end of the bed. A part of me wanted to run to him and hold him in my arms, but I knew he was a figment of my imagination. It was something that I wanted to see.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed shutting my eyes tight.

      The image of him disappeared as soon as I opened my eyes. I collapsed onto the bed, trying to control my breathing. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I began to sob loudly. I had made a promise to myself that I would never cry which made me turn to drinking. It was the only solution.

       Taking Mr Gibbs advice, I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. During this past year I hadn't slept properly. I would pass out from the amount of drinks, occasionally waking up to just be sick. This time was different, I had to try to get to sleep without the alcohol which meant the possible dreams that I may have about him. There was no chance I would get any proper sleep.


Much to my dismay, I did dream about him. It wasn't a horrible or terrifying dream but it still upset me. Anything to do with him made my heart ache. I knew at some point I would have to get over his death but now wasn't the time. I was allowed to mourn for a while, at least I was in my eyes.

         As I got out of bed, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I walked over to the dressing table, staring at the woman I had never seen before. This wasn't me. I didn't own this tired and pale face, fit with dark bags under my eyes. My lips were all cracked and my hair had become dry and lifeless. No, I had to change for the better.

        Someone knocked at the door and I ran to it before they could come in. I didn't want them to see me in this state.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's Gibbs." He called out. I hesitated but let him in. He had seen me in worse states, like last night for an example.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm just here to tell ye' that we have a heading. Tomorrow we be arriving to our destination." And with that he walked out. I rushed to the door, leaning out of it.

"Where are we going?" I called out.

"On an adventure."

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