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The only good thing

Geometry ever gave me

Was those things you draw circles with

It's the only compass

I ever found

That ever got me anywhere

I know math is all about logic

That it's supposed to be the definition

Of "perfect sense"

But the numbers swim in front of my eyes

And I can't make it stop

But circles -

The circles I understand

I draw one and

Suddenly I can breathe.

They say equations make sense

And art is subjective

My head nods

And my heart screams

Put reason on one side

Passion on the other

And in the middle you'll find everything real

When everyone says

That everything that makes sense to me

Makes none at all

That I live in a world of unachievable ideals

When everyone says truth is all straight lines

And hard edges

I'm glad I live in a world

With perfect circles.

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