T W O - "Family Ties"

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"I can confirm that a twelve foot Puma attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed" Liz Forbes announced over the television and Eudora watched from her seat between her two mothers on the long comfortable couch in the sitting room

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"I can confirm that a twelve foot Puma attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed" Liz Forbes announced over the television and Eudora watched from her seat between her two mothers on the long comfortable couch in the sitting room. All three girls were dressed in pyjamas, snuggled into one another under a fluffy throw over. It was moments like this that kept them going.

"That is huge!" Eudora announced, her back leaning into Bernadette's side, the blonde woman having her arm wrapped around her biological daughter gently as they all watched the news report.

"Eating ice cream for breakfast again Baby E?" a new voice joined the fray and they turned around to see Acacia Allegra enter the room with a large box under her arm.

"Cookie Dough" Eudora smiled brightly.

"And you two are letting her?" the woman wondered to her sister and sister-in-law. Bernadette and Mercy merely smiled in response, shrugging because it was true.

"She's our baby girl" Mercy smiled, stroking her daughters hair softly where it lay over the back of the couch.

"Want some aunt Acacia?" she smirked and the aunt tilted her head.

"Oh, what the hell" she laughed and hopped over the sofa, landing directly next to her older sister, Bernadette who shoved her playfully, the box she had previously been holding was dropped somewhat carelessly onto the coffee table and Mercy moved to kneel beside her wife, looking at the contents whilst Acacia grabbed the Ice cream pot and spoon off of Eudora.

"What is all that?" Eudora wondered as she leant beside her mothers who were too busy sending heart eyes at one another to pay attention to what they were looking at. The two were somehow still completely in love and had been since they themselves attended Mystic Falls High school. Thankfully, the Allegra and Bennett families were incredibly accepting and they lived safely, happily together, having six beautiful daughters, birthed by Bernadette with the help of a sperm back. It was a horrible time to have lost five of their daughters though it somehow brought them closer.

"It is stuff we're lending to the Founder's day party" Bernadette informed. "As, the Allegra's... and the Bennett's for that matter are founding families."

"Oh no, when is the founders ball?" Eudora groaned as she leant back to lay against Acacia's knees from where she sat on the new Persian rug.

"Tomorrow. We had all this kept in the safe deposit box. At the time we thought it was silly but now I am glad we did..." the blonde mother trailed off and so her daughter pulled her into a tight hug.

"I don't have a date to the ball" Eudora pouted.

"Neither do I Dorie yet I am still going. We shall go together as the unstoppable niece-aunt duo" Acacia smirked as she handed her niece the pot of ice-cream back, it did not matter to them that it was the morning. They were just glad that they were all semi- happy.

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