F I F T Y - "The Departed"

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Eudora sighed sadly as she hugged her sister

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Eudora sighed sadly as she hugged her sister. Today was the day that Klaus and Elva left Mystic Falls for good. They were heading to New Orleans and although she tried her best to feel happy for her sister who was going off to live her life, she couldn't help but feel upset. Their entire lives, Elva and Eudora had been the closest of the Allegra sisters and now they were being separated. Granted, death had previously split them up. But this was different...

"I promise I will phone you every single day" Elva beamed. They were currently stood in front of Klaus' beautiful mansion which he was oddly deciding to leave behind. The moving vans were loaded and ready to go and Eudora couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of their fresh start. However, the blonde girl accepted that Mystic Falls was her home. She always found her way back to it.

"Come on Elva, we don't have all day" Klaus smirked as he wrapped an arm around the oldest Allegra, smiling at the youngest one. Despite all the pain and horror that Klaus Mikaelson had caused in Mystic Falls, Eudora knew that he could be trusted to protect her sister. Elva truly had changed him like the spirits demanded. They couldn't kill him so instead they gave him salvation.

"Nik" Elva's face dropped, her voice becoming a hushed whisper. Whipping around, Eudora saw an angry looking Rebekah storming toward them from the distance and she frowned, Rebekah hadn't been around lately and Elva had filled them in on to why. Rebekah was angry because she was being left behind, her entire family had scattered and despite how loyal Rebekah had been to Klaus in the past, she had changed her mind now. He didn't want her to come.

"Rebekah, what are you doing here sister?" Klaus questioned as Elva and Eudora stepped behind him.

"I told you you wouldn't be able to go quietly Nik"

"What are you talking about Rebekah? Spit it out"

"All you ever wanted was your pathetic little hybrids. It didn't matter what you had to do to achieve that. You used me! All this time. You lied to me and you killed our mother and now what? Now you're just going to leave and lead your pathetic little existence?" She scoffed and Eudora frowned at how far Rebekah had fallen from who she once was. "I don't think so Nik... so... I ruined at least one of those dreams.

Elva and Eudora exchanged glances in worry.

"What did you do?!" Klaus was angry before even finding out what she did.

"I killed the doppelwench" every bone in Eudora's body stiffened. "You can try to get to her Eudora. But I wish you luck with that. She's back where it all started" Rebekah beamed sadistically and Eudora was off running, jumping in her car to speed there. She could only hope that she had the right place.

From the sight of the broken barrier on wickery bridge, Eudora had read the riddle correctly. There was no time to worry about getting her shoes wet or calling for help as the little blonde witch took the plunge.

Swimming frantically downward, she soon found where Elena's car still bubbled with remaining oxygen. The sweet brunette had been on her way to visit the Salvatore's following Alaric's death. And now, Elena Gilbert floated hauntingly, lifeless and restrained by the seatbelt. Eudora's powers freed her easily and the blonde dragged her upward with all the strength that she had.

But the panic was flooding in now. As she pulled Elena Gilbert's lifeless body onto the grass beside the water, she was frantic, eyes wide and fearful as she did what they would've encouraged her to do, she did CPR.

After ten minutes of crying and pounding her friends lifeless body with her tiny fists, willing her to awaken and even using magic though to no avail, she sprinted to her car that was parked illegally on the bridge. Ripping the phone from the inside of the door, she called the first name that popped to mind. Stefan Salvatore.

Elena Gilbert was dead...


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