E I G H T E E N - "Blood Brothers"

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"Please Damon, I have to see him" Eudora begged in the doorway of the Salvatore Boarding House

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"Please Damon, I have to see him" Eudora begged in the doorway of the Salvatore Boarding House. The darkness from within calling for her because she knew that he was in there, suffering and she couldn't do anything but think about the agony he felt, the itching burning desire for blood he harnessed and was denied. Deep down she knew this was a good thing, that he was safe from hurting others, it is what the old Stefan would've wanted but his pain brought her pain. A pain in the heart.

"I just can't do that Little Witch"

"Why not?! Elena's in there"

"Yes, well, I know that you'll let him out" Damon shrugged and she glared at him angrily, a fire in her eyes that he had never before seen from her and he knew why.

"I didn't let you out" she smirked.

"This is different" he returned, a meaning shinning in his crystal blue eyes and he knew just how easily she could get what she wanted, she was a witch after all, a powerful one.

"You don't understand" she whispered and looked down.

"Oh really? I don't understand that he's the only thing bringing you hope now? That your sister went insane from power and you're terrified that you'll do the same? Especially seeing as though you have five times the power she had? I don't understand that you take magical drugs? Or that your mothers left you, abandoned you? Your aunts tortured you and he is all you have left?... That he's your soulmate?" Damon wondered, looking her deeply in the eyes and her head snapped up to look at him. "Your aunt Acacia is much more forthcoming with information that she would let anyone know."

"She told you?"

"Everything" he nodded.


"Because it is the only thing that will keep you safe Eudora. Stefan risks his life daily to save Elena, not knowing that if he dies, you'll die too." Damon stated. "Somebody needs to keep that in check, because we couldn't have you dying, could we?" With each word that he expressed, her respect for him grew. He did all this, for what? For her? More likely, he did this for Stefan. She couldn't imagine the guilt Stefan would feel if something happened to her because of him.

"You haven't told him?"

"Some people think badly of me Blondie, but I can keep a secret. Especially for a friend." He smiled and she smiled sadly in return and nodded at him. "... Though I do think you should tell him."

"It would ruin everything" she shook her head in denial, sighing sadly at the concept of him knowing the truth. Would he despise her?

"It could save your life Dora, he might not risk his life so often if he knows what's at stake." Damon stated. "It really sucks being the second choice, hey?"

"It really does." she sighs and nods. "I'm not sure I have ever actually been an option to him Damon"

"Oh you have" he winked in a secretive manner and she knew then that he would say no more on the topic. Knowing now just how much Damon understood, Eudora felt relieved and trusting in that fact that he would allow no harm to come to Stefan.

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