F O R T Y - F O U R - "The New Deal"

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A/N: shaking things up a little

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A/N: shaking things up a little.

Stefan Salvatore walked through the front door of him home, knowing exactly what would happen if he did so. But for the first time in a very long time, Stefan cared and surprisingly, that was all down to Katherine Pierce. And Eudora Allegra definitely helped.

The first person his gaze fell upon when he entered the Salvatore boarding house was Eudora Allegra and despite all the emotions he had restrained himself from feeling, his love for her drowned him in an instant, swarming in through every single sense. The blonde girl was sat on the couch and she turned to face him but their eyes never met as in the next second, Stefan was slammed up against the wall in the archway of the parlour by a seriously pissed Damon Salvatore.

"Stop, stop, it's me" Stefan tried, his voice was tense as he did his best to portray his emotion but Damon merely glared in disbelief, holding his throat angrily. "My humanity, it's back, it's back" Stefan expresses and Damon frowned angrily.

"I don't give a damn about your humanity right now Stefan. Please, enlighten us on your betrayal!" Damon growled angrily and Eudora sighed, throwing her head back though hope danced within her at the idea that Stefan may actually be back. Currently, Elva had vanished off with Klaus. Stefan had been gone for a week despite their best efforts to find him and surprisingly to all of them, in that short time, Elena Gilbert had chosen Damon Salvatore.

It all started after the homecoming failure, it all just began with a kiss and with every kiss that followed, the brunette became more and more certain that she had made the right choice.

"Ooh, that's actually my fault" a new voice intervened and Katherine Pierce smirked from the doorway, much to Damon's annoyance. He dropped his brother as he crossed his arms and turned to glare at his new girlfriends doppelgänger.

"Katherine, how did I not see this coming?"

"He was going to kill you Damon, Stefan did this to save your life! The hybrids had orders to kill you, rip you to shreds if anything happened to Klaus" the raven haired man sighed in annoyance and dropped to sit in the couch opposite Eudora, a bottle of bourbon in his hand. It had been a very eventful few months and all they wanted was a snippet of normality to return. Right there, in that moment, it had.

The only issue they seemed to have was the fact that Klaus Mikaelson was still in town, in search of his blonde bombshell of a sister who was currently downstairs in their basement dressed up ready to party with a dagger in her back.

"I don't know about you, but I'm skipping town now before I find myself in a million pieces" Katherine smirked. "Buh-bye" and she vanished, not that they were particularly shocked at the fact.

"Damon, did you-" the exact same voice spoke from a different person and they turned as Elena Gilbert entered the parlour, stress lined Damon's eyes as his new girlfriend took in the sight of his brother in all his humanity. Stefan was back.

"Yep, Stefan's come to pay a visit. Humanity and all" Damon clapped and an uncomfortable silence dropped on them all, making it hard to breathe in an instant.

"Elena" Stefan spoke her name sincerely for the first time in months and they all stared at one another. "Can I talk to you?"

"We'll just... go" Eudora urged Damon and he nodded sadly as the two second choices linked arms and wondered off. The sight of a returned Stefan filled her with hope but she knew for a fact that she was about to be rejected all over again.

It had been a hard day for the Gilbert girl already because just this morning, Klaus had threatened the life of Jeremy in return for Rebekah's return. And in the wake of nearly dying, Damon had compelled Jeremy to Denver, despite a large amount of protests from the supernatural society, mostly Bonnie.

"Do you think they'll get back together again?" Eudora questioned in a whisper as she and Damon sat side by side on the vampires bed.

"I don't know. But I'm going to guess yes. We don't have very good luck Dora"

"I know" her voice was sad, gentle and he wrapped an arm around her. Her head leant sideways to rest on his shoulder and they basked in silence for a long moment.

"Damon" the voice broke them from their trance and they looked up at Elena as she smiled sadly. For a long time, nobody said anything.

"Well?" Damon wanted to get it over and done with.

"Well nothing Damon" Elena returned. "How many times do I have to tell you? I've made my decision" she smiled and Damon's face seemed to age backwards in jubilation. "And I wasn't the only one Eudora. Stefan came back here to tell me that he'd chosen you"


"What are you waiting for Dora?" Damon smirked. "Go get him"

And she did. Eudora Allegra did her best to stop herself from running as she made her way down the stairs to find his standing there waiting.


"Eudora." He began, turning to her. "I had this whole speech and I... it's all gone" he chuckled nervously. "I'm so sorry Dora, for any moment that you thought for even a second that I wouldn't choose you. I choose you a thousand times" he stressed. "I love you Dora"

"I love you too Stefan" she returned and he took the room in three easy strides, his lips claiming her and she could feel all the emotions that had come back to him with just a simple kiss. Stefan Salvatore was back and he had chosen her. Eudora's heart had never felt so light.

"I love you" he repeated.

A/N: Stefan didn't steal Klaus' coffins.

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