Part 3

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I didn't know how to reply. How could his father brainwash him into thinking that!? Jimin had always been a ray of sunshine, and even after his mother died, he didn't stop smiling. He would come to our house with a broken arm, telling Jin that it's okay, and don't cry. I left the door open and went downstairs. As I entered the coffee shop, I could see Jin talking to one of the customers that were there. "Jin?'' He turned around facing me. 

"Joonie, wheres Jimin?'' 

I point my finger up, signaling that he was upstairs. "Look, Joonie, It's Yoongi.'' I smiled widely as he lifts his face up to look at me. "Aw man! Look at you! I haven't seen you in so long" Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head. 

"It's been like 3 weeks Joon, don't be so dramatic!" I clutched my heart, pretending to be offended. "That's almost a month Yoongs! And I'm here thinking you loved me."

"Don't mind my dumbass husband Yoongi, you already know that he's not okay." Yoongi smiled, nodding. "I sometimes wonder why you married him Jin Hyung."

"I do too Yoongi, I do too." 

"What is it today! BUlly Namjoon day!?" I ask jokingly, making the two elders laugh. "I can't believe my own husband and best friend and teaming up against me, I'm leaving!" I head into the kitchen, waiting for Jin to walk in. I quickly hide as I hear footsteps, getting ready to scare him as he walked in. 

"BOO!" He jumped, slapping me in the process. "Oww! Why'd you slap me!?" 

"What you get for scaring me darling~," He said, sticking his tongue out at me. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist and slightly tickling him. "I swear to god Namjoon I'm going to kick you out of the kitchen if I mess up on this coffee." I chuckled and stopped, but still held onto his waist.

"Oh, i wanted to ask you before, why did you leave Jimin alone? He needs someone with him'' He asks while pouring the caffeine into a cup. I sighed.

"He did it again Jinnie. He started talking about how he deserved to be abused, and how he was the reason that his mother died. He started saying the bullshit he always says 'everything happens for a reason'."

Jin turned around, biting his lip.

"Joonie... I'm worried about him...''

I turned him around to face me and kissed his forehead, rubbing circles on his back.

"I know you are baby, and you have every right to be. You have to breathe, you care too much Jinnie..."

"What do you expect Namjoon, I knew the boy since he was 7... We moved here together and I've seen him go through things a child his age shouldn't go through..."

I nod, understanding the love Jin has for Jimin. We walk back to Yoongi who was aggressively writing something in his notebook. I put the coffee on the table, and he finally looks up. "Thanks, Joon," He says while taking a sip and goes back to writing in his book. I hear footsteps and immediately turn around, guessing that it was Jimin. I go to the door and sees a sleepy, doe-eyed Jimin. "Decided to come down, Jiminie?'' He rubbed his eyes tiredly and nodded. Jin turns around, looking at Jimin. "You want the usual, Minnie?'' He nods, sitting down in one of the booths.

 "You want the usual, Minnie?'' He nods, sitting down in one of the booths

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(Yoongi's POV)

I was in the middle of writing the last line for one of my raps when I hear footsteps down a staircase. I instantly look up, getting distracted easily. I see a small boy, who looked a bit younger than me, coming down the stairs. He had fluffy, orange hair, and extremely plump lips. I couldn't help but stare at the boy in awe, he was utterly gorgeous. He had big, brown eyes, that matched perfectly with the pout that evident on his face

He was wearing a fluffy pink sweater that was way too short. I bit my lower lip, my eyes traveling down to his milky thighs. I quickly snapped out of it and looked at my cup of coffee, feeling my face getting hot. Once he sat down, I looked up at Namjoon, putting my cup of coffee down.

"Namjoon, who's the boy that went to sit at the booth?'' Namjoon turns to face me, looking at the boy and then back at me. "Oh, that's Jimin, he's Jin's childhood best friend.'' I turn around to look at the boy who was doodling and smile. "Why did you ask?''

"I just never seen him before, did he come to the wedding?"

"He came before the wedding because he had something that was way more important, so we asked him to come before the wedding since he's Jin Hyung's best friend and all,"

I nod as he gets back to talking with the other customers. I get up, taking my coffee and notepad, and started walking to the booth Jimin was sitting in. "Um, h-hi... You're Jimin right?'' I instantly started to regret coming here and try to retaliate but there was no escape when he looked at me.

His small eyes look at mine, and I could feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. I couldn't help but smile at the weird, yet warm sensation I was feeling. "U-um, y-yes. Hi, I'm Park J-Jimin, a-and you are?''

~this is what Jimin was wearing if you couldn't imagine it

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~this is what Jimin was wearing if you couldn't imagine it. His one would probably be a little shorter, but use your own imagination to make it look like what you want~

 His one would probably be a little shorter, but use your own imagination to make it look like what you want~

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~This is probably how Yoongi looked when he first saw Jimin...~

Hi guys! Its yo author here, So I just wanna say thank you very much for reading this story. I know there aren't many people reading it, but that you to those who are reading it, it makes me very happy. I'm sorry if my writing a little crappy, but I'm trying, and I would love to improve. Don't hesitate to message me in my inbox, or in this story, about how I can improve my writing. Once, again, thank you for reading my story, and make sure to tell others about it too! Make sure to vote and comment, love Y'all💜


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