Part 4

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Hi guys! Part 4, tell me what you guys think! I'm trying to make my chapters longer, to make it more enjoyable. Tell me what you think about it, I love to read comments! italics which look like this is what the person is thinking. If the point of view is in Jimin's, then the italics would be what Jimin is thinking. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~

(Suga's POV)

"M-My name is Yoongi, Min Yoongi. I saw you coming down the stairs and was wondering if you worked here?'' I look down at the boy, who looked up at me innocently. "W-Well, the owners J-Jin and Namjoon a-are my b-best friends. I work p-part-time and sometimes l-live here...'' I smile, looking at how Jimin fidgeted with everything he told me. I sat down on the chair across from him and showed him my signature gummy smile. 

"Jimin, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm your friend.''

He looked down, turning a light shade of pink, making me slightly smile. "So, Jimin, want to play a game of 20 questions?'' He looked up happily, nodding like a 5-year-old. "So question one, you can go first.'' He looks up, thinking about what he should ask me. "W-Where are you from? I have n-never seen you come to this s-store before."

"I'm from here, Daegu, I live here with my cousin. He's about your age, I'll introduce you two sometimes"

He nods, looking down again. 

He looks back up, blushing, as he realizes that I caught him as he fiddled with his sweater. "S-sorry...'' I smile, ruffling his hair. "It's fine, I found that really cute actually." He gives me an adorable eye smile and tries to hide his blush. "Ok, so my turn, right?'' He looks up and nods. 

"Ok Jimin, do you want to go on a date with me?"

His eyes widen, and he blinks a couple of times. "W-who, me?" I nod, laughing slightly. "Who else Jimin?'' He smiles slowly and nods.


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Ok, hey guys, sorry, It's short, but I'll make the next one longer, I promise~ So to whoever's reading this, if you want to chat, you can always hmu in my inbox, or, add me on my discord. Make sure to tell me your name though, I don't go around friending random people. So my names weird, so don't judge it, I lost a bet and I had to do it.

So my user is: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°CallMeDaddy ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)#4816

LMAOO, don't judge, as I said, I lost a bet. You can copy and paste it. I'm usually on every day. I love talking to people, and I would love to hear what you guys think of this. Make sure to vote, if you like (which you probably don't) and tell others about this! Thank you for reading, 

みんな大好き~Love you all



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