Part 25

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/////This was rushed, sorry, kinda sucks, love yall enjoy <33/////

He instinctively backed away, his heart hammering against his chest. "J-Jimin?" Jimin bit the inside of his cheeks, fidgeting with the end of his sleeve. "W-What would you like to order?"

"Uhm can I have a Blue Hawaii and a Hazelnut Croissant to g-go?" It was weird to see the male that would tell Jimin to go kill himself everyday stutter in front of him, but it made it slightly easier for him. Jimin nodded, typing the numbers into the cash register and getting the bill. "Th-That would be $7.32, cash or c-card?" He stuttered, wanting the male gone out of his sight.

"Cash," The other boy mumbled, taking some crumbled up money from his pockets and slamming it on the table, causing Jimin to visibly flinch. His eyes darted to the booth he was at before, noticing that it was now only Jin and Chaeyoung, Namjoon probably in the kitchen, getting the food ready since every time there was an order, a message was sent to both Jin and Namjoon.

"S-Sorry," the taller boy muttered, picking up the money and stretching his arm towards Jimin. Jimin looked at his suspiciously, and took the money, putting it into the cash register. "D-Don't be," Jimin mumbled, counting the money. "Y-You're missing 3 dollars...

"Oh shit, sorry I don't have more on me now, can I pay you at s-school tomorrow?" Jimin took a deep breath in and reluctantly nodded. "O-Okay," He mumbled, going into the kitchen. In the kitchen, he saw Namjoon packing a croissant into a brown bag. "Oh jimin, there you are. Heres the orders for the customer."

"Hyung, can you please give it to him?" Jimin pleaded, putting on his best puppy dog eyes. Namjoon shook his head. "I'm sorry Jimin, I really gotta pee, Jin forced me to come here," The older mumbled, rubbing his thighs together. Jimin chuckled, nodding. "Go pee, Hyung, god," Jimin took the bag and the Blue Hawaii drink into his hand, pushing the kitchen door with his back.

"Thank you for coming, c-come again please," He mumbled, handing the food and drink to the older, his eyes on the floor. Chanyeol looked at Jimin for a second and nodded. "I-I'll give you the money tomorrow," Jimin 't have a chance to say anything since when he looked up to say 'okay' he saw the older male already out the door.

He walked to the door and flipped the 'open' sign around, closing the door. He went to the booth that Jin, Namjoon, and Chaeyoung were sitting. "It's getting late, I should go," He said as he sat down on the booth. "DO you need a ride?" Namjoon asked, taking out his car keys. Jimin shook his head no, laying his head back. "No, it's okay, I can take the bus. How are you getting home, Chaeyoung?"

"Probably the bus," She said, sipping on the hot chocolate Namjoon made for her. "It's not safe for you to go on the bus at this time, Namjoon Hyung can drop you off," Jimin mumbled, causing Jin to scoff. "It's not safe for either of you to go on the bus at this time, we'll drop you two off, let's go,"

The two of them reluctantly nodded, knowing that in the end, Jin's always right. 

The three of them dropped Chaeyoung off first and then drove off to Aera and Edens's house. Jimin explained the whole situation to them and even though all three of them wanted Jimin to stay at their house, they dropped him off. 

Jimin still was a little uncomfortable about the whole living with the Song's, they were so sweet and acted normal with Jimin, but he felt bad. He felt like he didn't deserve to live with them, anyone would've helped Junhyuk find his parents, he wasn't special. He felt like he was using their kindness and he hated it more than anything. His hand was already bawled up and was up to the door, but he didn't have the guts to knock.

He bit his lip nervously and softly knocked on the door, so soft to the point he thought no one would answer. surprisingly, the door opened, with no one in front of Jimin. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and then suddenly looked down, seeing Junhyuk smiling up at him. Jimin smiled back, ruffling the small boy's hair and asking him where his parents were. 

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