Part 38

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////I miss yoongi so much :((( I hope he's okay, the live was so cute, look at his lil smile omg and the comeback fuck bro don't even get me started— I'll rant later, but for now, y'all can read lmfaoooooo I mean who even reads this shit- but uh yeah enjoy? It's pretty bad so sorry :(//////////////


Jimin looked up, his legs crossed on the couch as he stared into the TV.

"Why don't you eat?"

Jimin's eyes widened, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. "W-What do you mean? I eat?" Yoongi got the remote off the table, pausing the movie before turning to face Jimin. Jimin cleared his throat, the tension around the two so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Jimin was so positive he hid it well, he'd always eat, just extremely little portions, distracting Yoongi with small talk as he fed half of the food to him. Two weeks had passed since the confession, Jimin's graduation is around the corner. The past weeks were amazing, Jimin barely going home and instead of spending most of his time with Yoongi, Aera and Eden sometimes dropping off Junhyuk as well.

"I've noticed Jimin, the way you always avoid eating or eat so little. Why?" Jimin stayed quiet, playing with a loose string on his sweater. What was he supposed to say? That he was an insecure little bitch that hated being fat?

"Jimin, please..." Yoongi's voice came out in a begging manner, genuineness laced around his words, making Jimin's heart skip a beat.

"Jimin, you're so beautiful, why don't you eat?" Yoongi asked once again, his voice even softer this time, his hand reaching up to Jimin's cheek, slowly caressing the soft skin. Jimin unconsciously leaned into the touch, Yoongi's soft, yet rough hand soothing him, making the situation they were in a little less tense.

"I-I think I'm fat..." Jimin finally replied, his voice small as he stared down into the cushion underneath them.

"Jimin, I need you to understand that being fat doesn't mean that you're not pretty. You could be 300 pounds and I'd still be in love with you, Jimin..."

"I-I know but everyone's a-always told me that I was f-fat, even when I starved to lose weight to p-please them,"

Yoongi felt his heartbreak as he saw some tears fall onto the couch cushions, the spot turning darker as more tears dripped down his coffee-brown eyes.

"Oh Jimin, you don't need to please anyone. Not me, not your friends, not your bullies, no one. You're not fat, your bullies just pour all their insecurities onto you to try to make themselves feel better. And when they don't feel better about themselves, they just continue to do it."

Jimin didn't say anything and played with his sweater, tears dripping down his face. "Jimin," Yoongi mumbled, his thumb pressed against Jimin's chin, lifting the boy's face up to look at him.

"You don't need to lose weight, if anything, you need to gain more weight. Please Jimin, can you eat? Not for me, but for yourself, please eat."

Jimin stared up at Yoongi, his eyes glistening with tears as he nodded. "I-I can try, I-I'm sorry h-Hyung... F-For w-worrying you..."

Yoongi shook his head, placing a small kiss on the younger lips "you have nothing to be sorry for Jimin. I understand, but please take care of yourself from now on, okay?"

Jimin nodded again, leaning into the older and capturing him in a big hug, burying himself in Yoongi's scent.

"I love you, okay?"

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